Barlow's Beef: Secretive hospital closure plans are deja-vu

Barlow's Beef: Secretive hospital closure plans are deja-vu

Last week a report leaked to the press indicated that the Cheshire and Merseyside Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) included a downgrade of…
Barlow's Beef: More great 'savings' from Cheshire East

Barlow's Beef: More great 'savings' from Cheshire East

Great news, folks. Cheshire East has daft proposals (sorry...draft proposals) to illustrate how they can save £100M over the next three years. Sounds…
Barlow's Beef: An elephant never forgets

Barlow's Beef: An elephant never forgets

I always thought cabin fever was a phrase used to describe fur trappers in the frozen tundra driven indoors by inclement weather, the isolation of early…
Barlow's Beef: It's time to be honest about immigration

Barlow's Beef: It's time to be honest about immigration

Immigration is a topic on everyone's lips but impossible to discuss with objectivity. Any suggestion of a meaningful immigration policy triggers outbursts…
Barlow's Beef: I predict a riot (Kaiser Chiefs 2005)

Barlow's Beef: I predict a riot (Kaiser Chiefs 2005)

So, despite the vast majority of MP's rejecting Jeremy Corbyn as leader Labour Party members returned him to office with an even larger majority than…
Barlow's Beef: The times they are a-changin

Barlow's Beef: The times they are a-changin

I've been thinking-as I do- and can't help wondering if Bob Dylan was thinking about Cheshire East when he sang The Times they are a Changing? We've had…
Barlow's Beef: Why I won't be having a knees up this Christmas

Barlow's Beef: Why I won't be having a knees up this Christmas

I am need of some help this week and I'm hoping you can advise me. As a lifetime runner I have experienced some arthritic knee pain. With occasional painkillers…
Barlow's Beef: Are schools fighting the tide on holiday absence?

Barlow's Beef: Are schools fighting the tide on holiday absence?

For most family summer holidays are now over... or are they? Flights to The Canary Islands, Spain and Portugal are now extremely low. I was offered a…
Barlow's Beef: Will the real Bradley Wiggins please stand up

Barlow's Beef: Will the real Bradley Wiggins please stand up

I had a great time at the Tour of Britain. I never knew the constabulary had so many motorbikes (I didn't even know they had that many officers). Boy,…
Barlow's Beef: Why public services are not short of money

Barlow's Beef: Why public services are not short of money

Most of the front-line people I meet in the public service sector are genuinely eager to provide a good service. Unfortunately (for them) they are often…
Why pay-as-you-pee is the way to go

Why pay-as-you-pee is the way to go

Wilmslow Town Council (WTC) sound like an admirable bunch to me. They are certainly doing a better job representing residents than Cheshire East who run…
Barlow's Beef: Why I'm ranting for Britain

Barlow's Beef: Why I'm ranting for Britain

I opened my BBC News app this morning and read a headline that made my quite angry. I'm not by nature an angry person but the banner headline shouting…
Barlow's Beef: Will Cheshire East please stop 'saving' us money?

Barlow's Beef: Will Cheshire East please stop 'saving' us money?

In 2011 Cheshire East endeavoured to save taxpayers money by building their own waste transfer station in Lyme Green instead of paying contractors to…
Barlow's Beef: Can we do 'pay as you go' for CEC top execs?

Barlow's Beef: Can we do 'pay as you go' for CEC top execs?

When David Parr became chief executive of the old Macclesfield Borough Council in 2001 he radically changed the management structure appointing his own…
Barlow's Beef: Let's kick some donkey's bottom

Barlow's Beef: Let's kick some donkey's bottom

As a lifelong student of the English language I'm always intrigued by the introduction of new words and phrases into the lexicon. Americans are brilliantly…
Barlow's Beef: Warning do not voice an opinion

Barlow's Beef: Warning do not voice an opinion

What's happened to free speech in our country? I've never witnessed so much vitriol aimed at anyone brave (or foolhardy enough) to voice an opinion. It's…
Barlow's Beef: What a complete and utter shambles

Barlow's Beef: What a complete and utter shambles

What's happening in Westminster post referendum? Looks like they're doing some old party dance: You put your Boris in, your Boris outIn out in out shake…