Great news, folks. Cheshire East has daft proposals (sorry...draft proposals) to illustrate how they can save £100M over the next three years. Sounds good eh?
They could start by ceasing their constant restructuring or not doling out large compensation packages to departing execs. Giving up on the delusion they can run independent commercial ventures that lose money at the speed of light would help considerably.
And maybe, just maybe becoming more competent in the execution of their primary duties so that a job costing £1K doesn't require £5K's worth of administration.
CEC however, propose to meet their 'saving' target through a mix of tax increases and changing its service offer. Let me interpret: The first 'saving' will be an increase in property tax by 3.99 per cent.
Now I've done some research on this and the most common definition of 'saving' is 'avoiding the need to use up or spend money or resources.' Nowhere have I read that 'saving' means 'to increase prices.' Maybe I missed that?
Next comes 'changing its service offer'. You don't think they mean 'reducing' services do you? I'm not sure how far we can go down this road. We're already driving around in the dark and bouncing over potholes. What next turn off all heating in schools and public buildings or emptying our own wheelie bins?
If they shortened the length of the fancy titles they use they could probably save a few grand on nameplates. How about making timely decisions and reducing the crazy length of time employees spend on 'garden leave' while CEC prevaricate and dither?
Increasing taxes and cutting services is simply the line of least resistance while changing council culture and doing more for less requires 'tough management' and is therefore much harder.
A major area that could produce serious reductions in costs is the pitiful negotiating of contracts. I am frequently advised by suppliers and contractors that the toughest part of supplying CEC is getting your company name on the Approved List.
From thereon it appears negotiations are relatively relaxed. This would be the first area for any commercial organisation to strengthen. It takes courage to make bold decisions and raising council tax is an easy way out.
Easy Jet don't make 'savings' by upping their prices or landing 100 miles short of their destination. They do it by becoming more efficient. An alien concept for Cheshire East but one their 'customers' would approve.
Maybe we can all leave with a compo package?
The views and opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
If it is making such gigantic savings (and more can be found by adopting more "cost saving" schemes such a those Vic has referred to plus a wholesale change in its culture), then will someone explain just why this council is increasing its council tax charge?
Surely the council should, indeed must, pass such savings to its tax payers.
Otherwise it will be seen as playing a game of empty, meaningless rhetoric, again.
Remember who said that?
Please leave Hilda alone, or I'll have to tell on you.
Last night, as I was driving in pitch darkness along the By-pass towards Handforth, I was struck by the magnificent "saving" that CEC had made by spending "another" £9.5M on LED lighting units..... and then not turning them on. I hope that no-one ever runs into one of those lamp-posts in the dark.
A while back local CEC Cllr. Menlove said he would get this sorted out.
Vic is right - sort out procurement and contracting processes, make decisions faster and develop contracts that hold contractors to sensible account. And that doesn't mean simply being more "hard nosed" (that's appropriate for paper clips only), it means being more intelligent and forming win:win relationships and partnerships, underwritten by solid guiding contracts. It does not mean sending goodness knows how long coming up with a "policy" that potential suppliers have to self certify that they pay their taxes properly (that is PR or window dressing at best).
It also means reducing cost by removing inefficiency and / or adopting new ways of doing things. For example, increase the amount of council services that are available on line, with associated simplification of back office processes (removing unnecessary multiple human handling of an issue - all very easy to do, if you apply the political will). This enables CEC to reduce staff needed to sit in call centres or in public facing offices - where value isn't directly added to "service delivery" (e.g emptying bins, teaching children or providing social care to old people).
Policy developers and analysts do not directly add to service delivery and should therefore be a lean as possible. These are the most wasteful areas - and are never sythered due largely to the self interest of the senior decision makers... who in CEC at least are protected by premier league beating compensation packages (funded by our council tax and to the detriment of serving the people that CEC exists to serve.
If CEC was a business, it simply would no longer exist. Think Philip Green...