Barlow's Beef: Crime Commissioner banged to rights

Barlow's Beef: Crime Commissioner banged to rights

What a difference a day makes in Cheshire Police. Seems like only yesterday our Police & Crime Commissioner David Keane was threatening to cut 26…
Barlow's Beef: George Osborne and Jedi Master of the Universe

Barlow's Beef: George Osborne and Jedi Master of the Universe

Wow... what a relief. I've been tossing and turning in my sleep wondering who would edit the London Standard. Those Russians won't allow their £1…
Barlow's Beef: It's time straight talking and truth replaced obfuscation and deceit

Barlow's Beef: It's time straight talking and truth replaced obfuscation and deceit

I think most would agree that these are dangerous and uncertain times. For those born after the Cuban Missile crisis of 1962 this is the most unstable…
Barlow's Beef: Surely it's time we gave independents an opportunity?

Barlow's Beef: Surely it's time we gave independents an opportunity?

Do you remember the withdrawal of community bobbies following the 'police officers on the street don't catch criminals' mantra of the early 80s? You will…
Barlow's Beef: Handforth Residents are not easily duped

Barlow's Beef: Handforth Residents are not easily duped

If you knew you were going to upset the company on whom you relied for your employment, you would probably think very carefully about it. You'd want to…
Barlow's Beef: Do you recall The Big Society?

Barlow's Beef: Do you recall The Big Society?

Do you recall The Big Society; education, education, education; we are all in this together and the catastrophic Weapons of Mass Destruction? Are we now…
Barlow's Beef: Another smack in the face for Wilmslow residents

Barlow's Beef: Another smack in the face for Wilmslow residents

Sometimes I wonder if there is any point trying to comprehend any decision Cheshire East make. 'Huge disappointment as town's views have been ignored…
Barlow's Beef: When is a 'saving' not a 'saving'

Barlow's Beef: When is a 'saving' not a 'saving'

Do you remember those childish riddles we loved as kids? When is a door not a door etc.? I was reminded of them when I saw this week's statement from…
Reader's Letter: A housing shortage?? Don't think so!

Reader's Letter: A housing shortage?? Don't think so!

The rape of north Cheshire East's, and Wilmslow's and Handforth's, Green Belt will be unchecked thanks to the continuing disregard of the real facts of…
Barlow's Beef: What will be the diet fad of 2017?

Barlow's Beef: What will be the diet fad of 2017?

I bumped into the 20 year-old daughter of an ex neighbour today. We stopped and chatted about families and who was doing what. She's always been a pretty…
Reader's Letter: An accident waiting to happen

Reader's Letter: An accident waiting to happen

Recently, and not for the first time, I was almost knocked down by a car when I was in the middle of a particular Pelican crossing in Wilmslow. I use…
Barlow's Beef: Trump That!

Barlow's Beef: Trump That!

I watched the inauguration of President Obama in 2009 mesmerised by his soaring oratory of hope and optimism. I knew then Barak Obama would be a very…
Barlow's Beef: Give us the money or else is not a discussion

Barlow's Beef: Give us the money or else is not a discussion

David Keane the police and crime commissioner for Cheshire is urging residents to join the 'discussion on police funding. We have until Jan 24th to express…
Barlow's Beef: What exactly is a 'garden village'?

Barlow's Beef: What exactly is a 'garden village'?

Macclesfield General Hospital is bursting at the seams. Last week they made an appeal for people to stay away from A&E unless they have a dire emergency.…
Barlow's Beef: What's the difference between CEC and a dormouse?

Barlow's Beef: What's the difference between CEC and a dormouse?

'Huge disappointment as town's views have been ignored in Local Plan,' screamed our Wilmslow headline on Dec 21. Councillor Keith Purdom for the Wilmslow…
Reader's Letter: Are modern cars not fitted with indicators?

Reader's Letter: Are modern cars not fitted with indicators?

I know this was published couple of years ago but we seem to have a lot more cars on the road with no Indicators. Is it an optional extra, or are they…
Barlow's Beef: Greed is the word is the word..

Barlow's Beef: Greed is the word is the word..

So what do you wish for in the coming year? New house, better job, lottery win? Personally I'm hoping to see some reflection on to the constant striving…