Police target antisocial use of motorbikes in Lacey Green

Police target antisocial use of motorbikes in Lacey Green

Police have received reports of antisocial behaviour in the form of motorbikes being driving without care and attention in the Lacey Green area of town.…
Reader's Letter: Funds for community groups via the New Homes Bonus now available

Reader's Letter: Funds for community groups via the New Homes Bonus now available

Some two years ago, recognising that Cheshire East Council was not meeting Government guidance to make NHB funds it received - £35 million between…
Reader's Letter: Storm hits Wilmslow

Reader's Letter: Storm hits Wilmslow

The season of 'the Fall' took on a new meaning for residents of Wilmslow Park on Saturday night. A large sycamore fell across the road half way up the…
Reader's Letter: Will a cyclist have to die, or be seriously injured before action is taken?

Reader's Letter: Will a cyclist have to die, or be seriously injured before action is taken?

Back on the 3rd of August I sent in a Reader's Letter and a photo, showing dangerous parking opposite the Coach and Four and asked if a cyclist had to…
Reader's Letter: Spot the difference ... now you see them now you don’t

Reader's Letter: Spot the difference ... now you see them now you don’t

Who is responsible for checking the road resurfacing on our roads? Morley Green Road has been resurfaced and so have some of the grids. Whilst the tarmac…
Reader's Letter: Letting the town down?

Reader's Letter: Letting the town down?

This is the unsightly empty retail unit next to Tesco Express - it has been left like this for months! It is a disgrace to the town. Surely it can be…
Reader's Letter: Parking and obstruction on Alderley Road

Reader's Letter: Parking and obstruction on Alderley Road

Will a cyclist have to die, or be seriously injured, before the Council acts? From events over the last year it is absolutely clear that double yellow…
Reader's Letter:Jodrell Bank Festival - unacceptable noise levels

Reader's Letter:Jodrell Bank Festival - unacceptable noise levels

It would be good to hear the views of local residents following most of the neighbourhood being kept awake most of the weekend and the peace being broken…
Reader's Letter: Handforth Station: Art, Flowers or Access?

Reader's Letter: Handforth Station: Art, Flowers or Access?

Handforth Station: Art, Flowers or Access? A question often asked at Handforth Station is "Why does Friends of Handforth Station (FoHS) spend so much…
Reader's Letter: Lidl's 'aggressive' development strategy

Reader's Letter: Lidl's 'aggressive' development strategy

It is clear from the Financial Mail on Sunday's article yesterday that Lidl has an aggressive 'modus operandi' when it comes to selecting sites for their…
Reader's Letter: Resolutions for our government, councils, and community support services

Reader's Letter: Resolutions for our government, councils, and community support services

Resolutions for our government, councils, and community support services to use: • Change rail timetables to be printed once a year (since all engineering…
Reader's Letter: Is this Wilmslow’s worst maintained street?

Reader's Letter: Is this Wilmslow’s worst maintained street?

When it comes to road maintenance, Cheshire East and Wilmslow may not have the best record in the country. However, Cedarway in Fulshaw Park, must surely…
Reader's Letter: Macclesfield marathon organisation (or lack of)

Reader's Letter: Macclesfield marathon organisation (or lack of)

Last Sunday I was halted on the Alderley to Macclesfield Road because the runners were crossing this busy road. The marshals must have been somewhat frustrated…
Reader's Letter: Independents call for 'meaningful change' at Cheshire East

Reader's Letter: Independents call for 'meaningful change' at Cheshire East

The 'strong leadership' model operated by Cheshire East Council (CEC) continues to fail the residents we represent. Leaders of the Council, past and present,…
Reader's Letter: The last harvest?

Reader's Letter: The last harvest?

Back on the 28th February 2014 at a special meeting of Cheshire East Council, held at Crewe Alexandra Football Club, the Local Plan Strategy was discussed.…
Reader's Letter: Someone has got their priorities wrong!

Reader's Letter: Someone has got their priorities wrong!

Can someone please explain to me why in Wilmslow we have the most expensive and elaborate flower displays, not to mention the elaborate cast iron containers…
Reader's Letter: The Local Plan decision

Reader's Letter: The Local Plan decision

Dear Editor, As an elected Cheshire East Borough Councillor representing a ward in our northern area of Cheshire East, perhaps your readers would like…