I am interested to know the views of Wilmslow residents on the council's use of traffic wardens in the town centre - particularly at weekends.
Retail shops in the town continue to struggle and yet parking wardens appear to have their 'favourite' locations where they almost stalk motorists.
Examples are the taxi rank outside Costa - it's rarely used for taxis and yet 7 days a week the wardens issue tickets.
The post office / Tesco Express site on the yellow lines, when other parking is full people just want to pop in to post something, is another favourite.
There are many more locations like these which are not issues when you shop at out of town locations like M&S, Stanley Green and John Lewis.
Are the actions of council traffic wardens in the town centre helping? Or do they put people off coming into the town to shop?
Should our council have a more flexible and enlightened approach, particularly over weekends and bank holidays?
What do Wilmslow residents think?
Share your views via the comment box below.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
If you park illegally you are therefore liable for a ticket - so no excuses there.
There is a school of thought that the wardens are target based and therefore prowl key hotspots - this has been denied by the council.
I have watched the warden on Water Lane for 4 years and they do ignore some cars that park dangerously and do go low hanging fruit this is more to do with human nature and individual wardens than the council policy.
The parking review is ongoing and there will probably be no answers there
I my humble opinion the wardens should focus on dangerous parking first and anything else second
But is you imagine no wardens - it would be a Brexit style disaster !!
I think perhaps the best thing to do would be to narrow the times down for parking on those kinds of places but that's just a personal opinion from a resident who literally can't seem to park anywhere these days.
I just dont bother with the town any more, if on the occasion I miss a mail parcel then I will of course go to the sorting office to pick it up, usually on a saturday morning when I can get my other half to nip in while I wait "just in case" a warden appears, of course being with the vehicle means I am not blocking anyone or anything, that doesnt make it right of course!
I am sure that the CCTV operators can tell wardens where to go to find bait as well.
Having spoken to the traffic wardens they definitely do head for soft targets. I think it is inevitable.
Unless I am on foot I now only use the post office in Tesco in the evening, otherwise I drive to Handforth.
Looking forward to our new Chapel Lane post office.
Still what beats Sandbach the home of CEC? It’s free!
Robert Farr
The disabled parking spaces outside Tesco express and Nat West Bank are always occupied by non blue badge uses.
At school drop off and collecting time Alderley Edge is a night mare and traffic wardens need to be there on a daily basis, especially if they are target driven.
There is no excuse for illegal parking at the weekends as there is no shortage of car park spaces.
As I walked by the owner of the van came outside to query why he'd been given a ticket and the warden said there was no sign they were unloading... I just had to laugh and move on. It really couldn't have been clearer what the guy was doing!
Whilst, yes, if you 'park illegally you get a ticket', I think it's important that the people who live in the town and thus know the way the roads and spaces are used speak up and challenge the 'authority'. Otherwise we might as well just let people who don't live in the area make the rules. The rules should support the community, not control them!
Without them the selfish, careless people that already get away with blatant, irresponsible, if not illegal, parking would cause chaos in Wilmslow.
The more expensive the car the worse they are.
Terry Roeves mentioned Sanbach, which has frre car parkd. The reason for this is that the main park was a registered village, and Sandbach told CE under no uncertain terms to do. I believe this is the situation in Alsager as well, and something similar in Middle wich. My friend also told that the car park in the middle of Crewe is in a bad condition, and most people go to a shopping centre elsewhere.
Peter Davenport
The most frequently abused parking in Wilmslow is the Bank Square end of Grove Street where, on a daily basis, people park blocking access to the three disabled places. Most of these parkers appear to think the area is parking for Nat West Bank and Konak cafe - I pass this point on a daily basis and see this all the time.
From speaking to the parking enforcement officer, I know they have their regular customers - they are ticketing the same vehicles three or four times each month.
I offer two solutions to this seemingly perpetual problem.
1. Put number plate recognition cameras and fine on a 100% basis. This technology is obviously available because it is in use at both Anthology and Coach and Four. It will either pay for itself or eliminate the issue. A win in either case.
2. Make parking fines a driving offence. Two fines in a year gets three points, another fine within 12 months gets 6 points, another fine within 12 months gets 12 points. Illegal parking will soon end.
Unfortunately, eliminating illegal parking will cut Local Authoruty revenues. I have a suspicion that Local Authotities' preferred option is an "acceptable" level of illegal parking to generate maximum revenue. They have no interest in elimination.
Perhaps towns should be blitzed instead of random ticketing. Pick on town in the area, send all wardens there for a day and winner gets a day off. That way everybody who is breaking the rules gets a ticket, revenues go up, and human nature is as such if we think we will get caught, we won’t do it!
I know that will take a itty bit of organising by the council, so we can forget about it ever happening.
That’s an offence with fixed penalty of £30-
No objection to enforcement in our parks, but three of them?
A queue of five cars waiting in the aisles at the Leisure Centre.