Reader's Letter: Funds for community groups via the New Homes Bonus now available


Some two years ago, recognising that Cheshire East Council was not meeting Government guidance to make NHB funds it received - £35 million between 2011 and 2017 – available to local communities "to see the economic and social benefits" of new accepting new housing Residents of Wilmslow and their Cheshire East Councillor, Toni Fox, started lobbying Cheshire East Council to give some of this money back to residents.

Cheshire East Council has now agreed, for the next 2 years only, to make £2 million available to be spent to meet locally decided needs across the Borough. This area – Wilmslow, Handforth and Alderley Edge – will receive a total of £173,462.

The 8 local Cheshire East Councillors met on Monday to agree the top priorities that are designed to incorporate as broad a brief as possible to encourage applications, and, that will allow applications for those schemes that have already been suggested to Councillors.

Detailed information on the scheme, together with application forms, will be available on Cheshire East Councils website later next week.

In the meantime please contact your local Cheshire East Councillor, or Town or Parish Council, for further information.

Councillor Toni Fox – Independent Dean Row Ward, Wilmslow

New Homes Bonus, Reader's Letter


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Nick Jones
Friday 26th October 2018 at 10:11 am
£35M in the pot, and less than £180k coming out... Something seriously wrong at CEC to support residents from these designated funds.
Thanks to Cllr Toni Fox and her independent colleagues who have helped to address this issue now... !
Terry Roeves
Friday 26th October 2018 at 11:12 am
Our Residents of Wilmslow Cllrs have come up trumps for us again, pushing for CE to get this cash moving to where it came from in the first place.
All of have struggled to see a substantial amount from the £2million s106 pot from local new developments head in our direction.
CEC Conservative Cllrs are quite deliberately holding on to this. It’s disgraceful and continues to confirm their indifference to Wilmslow.
It’s so embarrassing for our WTC conservatives who get constantly ignored where our money is concerned.
So our thanks must go to RoW Cllr Toni Fox and Cllr Mark Goldsmith, who keep pushing for a solution to our parking crisis. At least they aren’t burying their heads.
Deleted Account
Sunday 28th October 2018 at 7:51 am
And whilst they are deliberating.....

Something maybe to address the mental health of drivers stuck in traffic jams on Dean Row Rd and Adlington Rd following the over development of " New Homes" at Heathfield Farm and Stanneylands ?

Have readers tried to get up there from 4pm onwards !?!
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 21st November 2018 at 9:22 pm
I sincerely hope that any Councillor with a conflict of interest will recuse themself. The last thing CEC needs is another Core-fit type scandal and investigation.