Barlow's Beef: What politicians don't want to discuss

Barlow's Beef: What politicians don't want to discuss

You can't turn on the radio or TV at the moment without some politician bleating on about the economy, the 'dangers' of another coalition or the extra…
Barlow's Beef: It's put-up or shut-up time

Barlow's Beef: It's put-up or shut-up time

Before you decide how to use your vote please take a look at the above photos. Does it make sense to destroy this ancient green field while leaving the…
Barlow's Beef: England expects everyone to do their duty

Barlow's Beef: England expects everyone to do their duty

Due to foreign travel my election news came to me via satellite TV these past two weeks. With the benefit of distance one gets an entirely different perspective…
Barlow's Beef: Resistance is futile at the dentist

Barlow's Beef: Resistance is futile at the dentist

Have you been to the dentist recently? My practice (I hate that word, if there is one thing I don't want it's a trainee dentist) used to be a fairly rudimentary…
Barlow's Beef: Banking on a retirement bonus

Barlow's Beef: Banking on a retirement bonus

The most disingenuous argument foisted on the British public recently is the theory that British banks must continue to pay grotesque bonuses or executives…
Barlow's Beef: Election fever - I don't think so

Barlow's Beef: Election fever - I don't think so

Brought up in a staunch Labour household by a father dedicated to the union he served for 32 years I should be excited by the forthcoming election. My…
Barlow's Beef: Affordable Housing.... I think not

Barlow's Beef: Affordable Housing.... I think not

Remember when politicians trumpeted high-rise tower blocks as the solution to Britain's housing problem? You may have been part of one of those communities…
Barlow's Beef: Would councillors do this with their own money?

Barlow's Beef: Would councillors do this with their own money?

This week's column is like orienteering: you need to read the clues to know where you are heading. In July 2013 Wilmslow Town Council wanted to spend…
Barlow's Beef : Rules of Engagement

Barlow's Beef : Rules of Engagement

As I'm the new kid on the block I thought it appropriate to set out the Rules of Engagement. It's been made abundantly clear the views expressed…
Barlow's Beef: The Election Handicap Hurdle

Barlow's Beef: The Election Handicap Hurdle

They are under starters orders in the 2015 Election Handicap Hurdle...and they're off. Leader of the Year is err... leading by two lengths from Demolish…
Opinion: Cheshire East’s Local Plan raises two fingers to residents

Opinion: Cheshire East’s Local Plan raises two fingers to residents

The news that Cheshire East has signed off the endless Local Plan consultation, giving the go ahead to what amounts to a developer free-for-all on greenbelt…
Opinion: General state of Wilmslow streets

Opinion: General state of Wilmslow streets

Is it just me, or is Wilmslow now so dirty and unkept? I had high hopes that the new Town Council would clear the leaves from Autumn at least. The pavements…
Opinion: More To Let signs than road signs

Opinion: More To Let signs than road signs

In the projected Town Plan for Wilmslow it states there should be more "employment space". Bearing this in mind I have been on a grand tour around Wilmslow,…
Opinion: Cheshire East riding roughshod over resident's views

Opinion: Cheshire East riding roughshod over resident's views

We, Hands off Handforth Green Belt residents group, would like to raise several issues following the Public Meeting hosted by Handforth Parish Council…
Opinion: Maladministration and the destruction of Lindow Moss

Opinion: Maladministration and the destruction of Lindow Moss

The Local Government Ombudsman has found Cheshire County Council (and its successor, Cheshire East Council) guilty of "maladministration" in its enforcement…
Opinion: Accident waiting to happen?

Opinion: Accident waiting to happen?

The recent addition of a zebra crossing outside Waitrose does not seem to have deterred the illegal parking on Church Street. The attached photo is not…
Opinion: Council propose to shunt Romany's caravan to Yorkshire

Opinion: Council propose to shunt Romany's caravan to Yorkshire

Two CEC cabinet members, Wilmslow's Rod Menlove and leader Michael Jones, have stated publicly that Romany's caravan, recently subject to a £7,000…