Wilmslow High students are celebrating their GCSE success today, with 65% of students having achieved 5 or more A* - C grades, including English and Maths, and 74% of Year 11 achieving 5 or more A*- C grades.
31% of entries resulted in A or A* grades, 10% of which were at A*, and 44 students (14% of Year 11) achieved at least 8 A or A* grades.
Among the star performers was Alice Hughes who achieved a clean sweep with 9 A*s. Alice said "I'm really pleased. I'm going to take A-levels in geography, English literature, chemistry and biology. I'm a bit split between arts, sciences and humanities because I haven't decided what kind of degree I want to do. I'm staying on at Wilmslow High because it's got a really good sixth form."
Daniel White, who achieved 2As, 4Bs and 3Cs said "I'm going to study philosophy, physics and biology at A-Level. I want to take philosophy because I'm always up for a debate. I love arguing with people about philosophical ideas. I'm staying on here because it's the place to be."
Owain Davies, who achieved 7A*s and 2As described himself as "ecstatic". He said "I was expecting to do fairly well but it was a surprise to get this many A*s. I'm going to study chemistry, biology, maths and geography in Wilmslow High Sixth Form and I'm hoping to do a degree in something along the lines of natural sciences or geography. I'm staying on in the sixth Form because I've enjoyed school and know lots of people here, I know it's going to be good."
Mrs Gill Bremner, Headteacher, congratulated students taking GCSEs in 2013 on their achievements.
She said "These results indicate just how well our students have responded to the challenge of harder examinations. Although the results are lower nationally, with fewer high grades being awarded, 44 of our students achieved 8 A or A* grades and all of our students achieved at least one GCSE pass.
"It has been more challenging for students and schools to achieve good results this year, which makes our students' achievements all the more impressive.
"I wish all the students well on collecting their GCSE results today and thank then for the contribution they have made to the life of the school in sport, outdoor pursuits, music, drama, dance, art and the many other areas of achievement in which our students have excelled.
"I am sure all students would want me to thank their parents and the teaching staff on their behalf for the support they have given students to help them to achieve so much in their examinations."