The musical Ordinary Days by Adam Gwon, a heartfelt and uplifting look at the lives of four young New Yorkers struggling to connect, marks the first sung though musical to be performed by The Green Room.
Director Tom Ferguson said "We're excited to be doing something completely different for our December slot" says
"Ordinary Days is the first proper musical to be performed at the theatre, and it's great to have a cast solely made up of young talented actors to bring this exciting production to the stage."
Warren finds Deb's lost notes for her graduate thesis, as they're both on a nervous search for their immediate futures. Jason and Claire take the next step in their relationship by moving in together, but are they both fully in? All revealing themselves to be part of a much bigger story than we first imagined. 'When on earth will all of this start to add up?' Maybe it already does!
Tom added, Ordinary Days is a sung-through musical with an exciting and charming stripped-back approach. There are no fancy sets or big dance routines for the actors to hide
behind - it really is all down to them to deliver the story through their performances. It will make perfect sense in the intimate Green Room theatre and promises to be something
The production runs at the Wilmslow theatre from Monday 4th to Saturday 9th December at 7.45pm, plus a matinee on 9th December at 2.30pm - tickets now on sale via the theatre's website or via the telephone the box office on 01625 540933 which will be open on Saturdays from 11am to 12 noon.
Photo from left to right: Eilidh Pollard, Toby Harris, Colin Rice and Natalie Clarke