Reader's Photos: Worst ever parking at URC?

Pete Taylor sent us these photos taken this morning outside the United Reformed Church on the corner of Chapel Road and Alderley Road.

He said "This is possibly the worst ever parking at the URC, even a single buggy could not get through."

If you would like your photos of Wilmslow and the surrounding area to be considered for publication on then please email them to [email protected].

Reader's Photo


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Diane Walker
Monday 8th April 2019 at 4:03 pm
This still beggars belief!! These selfish individuals should have tickets slapped on their cars!
Pete Taylor
Monday 8th April 2019 at 8:44 pm
I'm informed that the police stuck a fixed penalty on the car but the van had gone. Well done.
Terry Roeves
Tuesday 9th April 2019 at 12:43 pm
No one available from Council or Police to deal with them these days.
Self adhesive labels stick easily to windscreen and I’m guessing you can add some helpful parking hints, like where to put his/her car, or about the toddlers and babies with Moms unable to use the pavement, or wheelchairs or guide dogs, but please do not obstruct their windscreen view.
The driver probably didn’t know who uses pavements in Wilmslow!!!!!!! Be kind to him/her.
James MacDonald
Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 3:02 pm
Pavements are for pedestrians. Look it up in the English dictionary. Also it is illegal to drive on the pavement to park - see Highway Code rule 145. No kindness necessary, only common sense and an awareness of the Highway Code. Neither of these are in abundance.
Sarah Wilkinson
Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 5:46 pm
8 a.m. today. Parking on Moor Lane was far worse than the situation shown in the town centre. 8 inches, if that, between a black BMW and a hedge growing over the pavement. There was no way any pedestrian could have squeezed through the gap. Moor Lane is becoming increasingly busy with all the additional housing, particularly when many parents are on the school run at this time in the morning. No thought for anyone but themselves.
Robert Farr
Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 8:49 pm
Last October we were promised action regarding the parking problems in Wilmslow, but nothing has happened yet. It is a regular occurance that large vehicles have to pass the pedestrian refuge along Alderley Road via the wrong carriageway causing traffic chaos, plenty of cones appear, official or otherwise, but no yellow lines or police action to keep the footpath clear. Wilmslow is a dumping ground for the cars of local office workers and commuters to Manchester. Maybe direct action by some brave person with a tin of paint for windscreens would stir the police to issue warrants, but not, I fear, to the selfish, tight fisted miscreants who desecrate Wilmslow streets and turn the town into a slum.
Bob Bracegirdle
Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 10:10 pm
I thought it would be especially bad. This is nothing. You should see them st Gawsworth School. Park diagonally on corners. Block driveways or block exit views at the same time. All with the call “I’m only going to be a few minutes”.

The fascinating thing is how much they want to protect their own kids but endanger others by their parking.
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 10:42 pm
No comments, despite frequent questions here (and in other mainstream and social media), from Stockton, Barton, Brooks. I seem to recall that Ellie Brooks made a rather bold and extravagant promise about solving the parking issue, prior to the last election (the last time we heard from any of these three).

Tick, tock.

I'm genuinely surprised that these people, who removed Green Belt protection from all our fields, have the temerity to put themselves up for re-election.
Manuel Golding
Friday 12th April 2019 at 5:09 pm
The reason you question the likes of Councillors Barton, Brooks & Stockton having the temerity to place themselves before the electorate they have so badly ignored and let down is simply because they see themselves as party mouthpieces & voting foder, in other words the servants of their party, certainly not of their respective voters.
Neither conscience or personal shame enter into their mindsets.
Nicola Storer
Friday 12th April 2019 at 9:46 pm
Traffic cones are the way forward.....far more powerful than our local councillors. All it has taken, is a few residents to obtain the necessary equipment to stop parking in certain areas of Alderley & Knutsford Rd, even Stockton Rd where Wheelie bins are being used too, to prevent inconsiderate parking!!
Afraid to say however, that the ‘Traffic Cone’ does not have quite the desired effect in proximity of a school.
Alan Brough
Sunday 14th April 2019 at 7:08 pm
@ Manuel Golding

That’s a really good point.

The central question should really be - who do they serve?

If I look at the issues that have occupied most time and column inches on these forums Planning & Parking, I’d have to say that we (the public) have been badly let down, perhaps ignored.

I’d be really interested to hear a counter argument from any of the sitting candidates. As others have observed, they seem to be extremely shy when it comes to engaging with us.
Pete Taylor
Thursday 25th April 2019 at 7:04 am
Back on the 22Nov2018 (that's around 22 weeks ago) a photo-opportunity was arranged by several Conservative Councillors and the PCC at the scene of the parking fiasco on Alderley Road. The PCC promised to return within a month (possibly for another meaningless photo-shoot). There does not seem to be any evidence that he did return.

Eleven weeks after that visit I asked our representatives, see link below,what they had done to get him back. Not a single answer.

Quote from the original article:
"David Keane committed to returning to Wilmslow within the month, saying "I want to get out with the local PCSOs and Community Sergeant and actively look at the problem so I have confidence they are using their powers properly and we all understand what's in those powers and what's not."

Could any of the three Ward Councillors please tell us if this "second coming" came to pass?
If it did, what was the outcome?

If it did not happen, what steps have you taken, on our behalf, to bring the PCC to account for a broken promise?

Any comments now, Councillors?