Clean Team bag over 1000 sacks of rubbish


Volunteers from the Wilmslow Clean team have collected 1030 bags of rubbish since they were set up 20 months ago to help keep the town clean.

Each month they complete two litter picks focussing on particular areas of the town, these take place on the first Wednesday of each month and the following Saturday.

Most recently, eight volunteers met at the Honey Bee on Wednesday 5th August and covered a large area including Altrincham Road, between the airport tunnels and the junction with Mobberley Road, and the whole of Morley Green Road between Altrincham Road and Mobberley Road.

They also cleaned up the old road beyond the Britannia Airport Inn where there is an ongoing problem of fly tipping and dozens of nitrous oxide cylinders were found. Sixteen bags of litter were collected altogether on the Wednesday.

Seven volunteers then met at the Parish Hall on Saturday 8th August, with one of the volunteers having tackled Carnival Fields and Altrincham Road on her way to the Parish Hall.

They spread themselves out in various directions to cover the area near the King William pub, Manchester Road, the pathways by the Bollin and along the railway line. Eight bags were collected altogether.

Two other volunteers went over to Prestbury Road which they reported was remarkably clean compared to normal, so they went further afield down Hough Lane and Adlington Road where four bags and two hub caps were picked up.

Wilmslow Clean Team are always on the lookout for new volunteers and they provide all the equipment, insurance and training.

Click here if you can spare some time to help them.

Wilmslow Clean Team


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Jon Williams
Monday 17th August 2015 at 8:21 am
They do a great job - They should be sending a bill to Cheshire East.
Sally Hoare
Monday 17th August 2015 at 8:55 am
It's not Cheshire East that are guilty of dropping the litter, Jon. It shouldn't be dropped in the first place. We need to change the mindset of the people who think it is ok to just leave their mess for others to clear up.
John Clegg
Wednesday 19th August 2015 at 2:23 pm
Good luck with that, Sally. I'm out running several times a week and see a lot of litter, often near the schools and I wonder if the recycle message is pushed home.
I wonder how much truly recyclable rubbish is lost for good when idiots - er, lazy idiots drop their plastic drink bottles and the like which are then picked up in these sweeps. I'm certainly not denigrating these efforts - I do a little bit guerilla tidying-up when I'm out-and-about. Are they recycled?
I would like to see proper recycle bins out in the area so that we can all dump rubbish in the correct receptacle.
Don't even start me on irresponsible dog-owners who leave their little bags on the road-side or on pathways - or dangling from trees. Or just don't bother to clear up anyway.
Sally Hoare
Wednesday 19th August 2015 at 3:44 pm
Unfortunately we are not able to recycle very much of what we collect on our litter picks, as it is just impractical. So another reason why dropping litter is a problem. I am also a reuse and recycling volunteer, so it goes against the grain, but until we can persuade Cheshire East to provide public recycling bins there is not much we can do. We would have to go through the bags and take it to a recycling centre.