Town Council responsible for redrafting Wilmslow Vision


Wilmslow Town Council (WTC) has been charged with putting together the final version of the Wilmslow Vision document, which they say will be 100% focussed on the views of Wilmslow residents.

Cllr Keith Purdom provided an update regarding the Wilmslow Vision process at the town council meeting on Monday, 17th September, informing his colleagues that the WTC Working Group has met with members of the 'Residents of Wilmslow Group' - who he said have carried out extensive research and discounted one or two of the potential development sites.

Cllr Purdom said "Cllr Michael Jones has given a strong steer that he wanted us to focus on housing first. The original vision of 1500 new homes was never recommended but Cllr Jones has been quoted that he thinks the number can be 460."

He added "They (Residents of Wilmslow Group) reckon that 160 new homes could be provided from infill or brownfield sites leaving 300 to be found from the Green Belt. The starting point is the 460 that Cllr Jones talked about when he met the Residents of Wilmslow and although we had two WTC councillors present we are waiting to meet with Cllr Jones to hear this directly from him."

The next stage in the process is for the WTC Working Group to meet with the Leader of Cheshire East Council and officers from CEC. They have also issued an invitation to meet with any other groups who represent residents of Wilmslow.

The WTC Working Group are still at the asking questions stage and need to decide what number to put forward, if any, for the number of new houses to be built in Wilmslow by 2030, and whether they are going to identify specific sites for potential development.

Cllr Keith Purdom added "The final version of the Vision will be a WTC document (which the first version was most clearly not) and we need to get it to reflect the residents opinions fully.

"We already have the consultation results which showed us that there is strong feeling against the 1500 number and now we need to fine tune our response and be sure to take all the views and thoughts that we can from residents and of course from the experienced CEC officers and Cllr Jones himself, who we are delighted to see so active in a subject so dear to the hearts of us all in Wilmslow."

The rewritten document should be delivered in November so a proposal could be presented to the full Town Council for approval at the October meeting.

Cllr Keith Purdom commented "We will move as quickly on this as is commensurate, with a document that the residents recognise as containing their views and will meet the residents strongly expressed view that the 1500 number is way too high."

Cheshire East Council, Wilmslow Town Council, Wilmslow Vision


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Simon Worthington
Wednesday 19th September 2012 at 7:25 am
I have been driving past the ever growing carbuncle on Altrincham road which now appears to be encroaching on what would appear to be green belt. We are also apparently to endure huge traffic disruption whilst a roundabout is built to service this monstrosity. Why was the bypass extention to the airport not completed so that travellers from the east heading for the airport do not have to use our country lanes to access it prior to closing Altrincham Road? There will be little public transport to service this site and, given the size of it, there will be hundreds of employees from outside the area using the centre of Wilmslow or the route from the west via the tunnels to travel to and from work. How have we been conned again? Our councillors seem to have their own agenda and cannot be trusted where any developement is concerned. The residents of Wilmslow must take charge of their own destiny!