Planning meeting for contentious care village rearranged


A planning appeal hearing on a Council decision to refuse planning permission for a care village in Handforth Dean has been rearranged after unusually high levels of public interest. It will now take place at 10am on September 22nd, at the Festival Hall in Alderley Edge.

More than 200 people attended the initial hearing with the Planning Inspectorate at Wilmslow Leisure Centre on Tuesday morning, August 17th, to voice their concerns over plans to build an elderly person's care village on land adjacent to Coppice Way in Handforth.

Local residents are protesting against the application by Greystone Ltd to build a 55 bed care home along with 36 close care dwellings, 6 shared ownership affordable dwellings and a community centre to provide ancillary facilities for village residents.

The large turnout meant that the 50-seat room, which is normally used for such hearings, was too small to cater for everybody so people were turned away.

Cheshire East Council's Strategic Planning Board refused permission for the care village at the beginning of the year. The developer then appealed the decision to the Secretary of State so the Planning Inspectorate must now decide whether to uphold the Council's ruling. It is an informal hearing and therefore people do not need to register their attendance in advance.

Councillor Jamie Macrae, Cabinet member with responsibility for prosperity said: "The number of people who attended the initial hearing was unexpected but it is vital that people can attend meetings and hearings that affect their community.

"This new venue should ensure that everyone who wants to attend the hearing can do so. The large turnout shows that this is a contentious issue and I hope that people support our initial decision."

This planning application, reference 09/0695M, was re-submitted in March 2009 and can be viewed online at the Cheshire East planning portal. This application followed the withdrawal of the original application, planning reference 08/1874/P, which was submitted to Macclesfield Borough Council in August 2008.

Cheshire East Council, Planning Applications