Plans for holiday lodges on Green Belt site withdrawn


Plans to build 12 holiday lets on the outskirts of Wilmslow, which were due to be determined by the Northern Planning Committee tomorrow (Wednesday, 5th July) have been withdrawn.

Mr Cummins had decided not to go ahead with this application for the change of use of the Green Belt agricultural site which forms part of Saltersley Hall Farm to accommodate 12 lodges.

Councillor Mark Goldsmith told "I have just heard the applicant has withdrawn this, so it will not be judged by Northern Planning or the planning officer.

"Essentially, the idea has been abandoned by the applicant.

"While, it means there is no formal refusal, it also means there is no course of appeal either. Therefore, this proposal is definitely not happening."

The Planning Officer had recommended the application (ref 21/3983M) for refusal at the Northern Planning Committee stating "The proposed development would represent inappropriate development, which reduces openness and encroaches into the countryside. It is not deemed that other material considerations exist to clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and the other harm identified."

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