Extension to Wilmslow care home refused


Plans to extend a 63-bedroom care home, which opened in Wilmslow last year, were refused by the Northern Planning Committee this week.

Altrincham-based operator New Care were seeking planning permission for a three-storey extension at Wilmslow Manor Care Centre, located on Handforth Road. The extension, would provide three additional bedrooms, is to be located on the northern side elevation; fronting the pedestrian path.

The application was called-in by Cllr Anderson for the following reason: "This development originally for a 69 bedroom care home had previously been reject by the Northern Planning board. it was allowed by the planning inspectorate only if the plans were reduced to a 63 bed care home. This has now been built and this application is to add an extra 3 bedrooms. This is contrary to: a) the planning inspectorates decision b) Appendix C; not enough parking provision."

The planning officer recommended committee members approve the plans stating "The proposed extension to the existing building is considered to be acceptable and in the context of the wider implemented scheme. Owing to the proposed extension extending a recessed part of the existing northern side elevation, represents a minor change to the overall visual impact of the wider development. Noting the proposed extension would be off-of the northern side elevation, for reasons set out within this report, the development would not result in any unacceptable adverse impact to neighbouring residential amenity."

Adding "Officers conclude that the proposed development, not proposing to amend the existing parking layout/quantum, would not result in any unacceptable adverse impact to the surrounding highways network from both the perspective of safety or capacity. Accordingly the application is recommended for approval."

However, members of the Northern Planning Committee voted to refuse the plans based on the design.

Councillor David Jefferay said "The committee felt that the extension blocked light from one of the other rooms and was incongruous with the rest of the building. The committee was also uncomfortable with the business case justifying the need for the additional rooms given that it is still only 58% occupied and especially with regards to parking but these grounds were not robust enough to use as a refusal.

"On the parking issue, although residents in the surrounding areas had made representations stating that there was insufficient parking resulting in overspill into nearby streets (and the committee did believe these statements), the evidence was anecdotal with no formal evidence to back it up. In contrast the planning inspector had previously accepted the applicant's evidence that parking provision was adequate for the site and therefore to refuse this application on lack of parking would not have been a defendable grounds for refusal."

He added "It should be said that the grounds on which it was refused were not overly strong grounds and residents should expect that this will likely to go to appeal, especially considering that the applicants have twice previously taken council decisions to appeal (with one appeal being dismissed and the other being successful)."

Photo: The Mayor of Cheshire East Council officially opening Wilmslow Manor care home October 2022.

New Care


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Jean Berman
Wednesday 29th March 2023 at 3:23 pm
A decent decision for once from the planning
John Harries
Wednesday 5th April 2023 at 6:16 pm
Well it was an appeal that got the place built in the first place (and the local planners were eventually overruled). If an appeal for this extension is upheld it will mean the applicants get everything they originally wanted despite plenty of local opposition - how can that be right? The planning system/rules are quite wrong when someone, often at the other end of the country and (apparently a disinterested party!!) can completely trump local planning decisions and the preferred wishes of the local populace - it's farcical and completely undemocratic.
Worse in my opinion is the image of Cheshire East Council Mayor (and his Mrs. along no doubt for the launch lunch/champagne) cutting the tape at the grand opening of something Handforth (and the same thing has happened in Wilmslow) didn't want in the first place - have they no shame or values (I guess that's a pointless rhetorical question)?