Reader's Letter: Call for action on weekend sports vehicles events


Residents of Wilmslow(RoW) do wish to promote and welcome people to Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and nearby towns, to live and work and for leisure but unfortunately at weekends the sports cars and bikes with the incumbent followers are having a detrimental effect on our environment. The vehicles cause traffic and noise pollution plus some of the spectators, who come to watch from the roundabouts and bridges, are parking illegally blocking people's driveways and residential roads.

The Fulshaw Park area has an active "Prohibition of Entry Order" clearly posted at both entrances to the park (at Knutsford Rd and Alderley Rd). Awareness of this needs to be broadcast over a wide area and enforced by the authorities, some of the drivers and spectators are coming from long distances from across the country. We have brought this Order to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner. There is quite a police deployment at these events and this active order needs to be enforced.

Although the events started in Alderley Edge village they have been spreading northwards to the Whitehall Roundabout and along the A34 by-pass and beyond into Fulshaw Park, along Fulshaw Park South, Westminster Drive, Ashford Road and other roads within the Park.There is also quite an issue with illegally parked cars on footpaths, revving car etc engine noise and spectators leaving cars in Fulshaw Park to view the cars from Whitehall roundabout and bridges. The noise has driven people from their gardens. In summer, with open windows, you can even hear the noise in the houses.

We do want people to visit Wilmslow and drive within the speed and noise limits. We do need a joined up effort now across both Wilmslow and Alderley to ensure the pleasant environment that people come for isn't hurt and our residents' lives aren't harmed.

R o W now hopes the authorities will make efforts to re-establish law, order and a clean environment (noise, air pollution etc) for local residents at weekends.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Mark Russell
Tuesday 4th August 2020 at 3:46 pm
Maybe if the parking situation was sorted people wouldn’t need to park all over the place?
Pete Taylor
Tuesday 4th August 2020 at 7:50 pm
@Mark Russell, are you commenting on the general "parking situation" in Wilmslow? If so you are commenting on the wrong thread.

The Traffic Regulation Order covering the roads mentioned above literally means "No Entry, Except for Access".
Historically this area had three gates, which could be opened by the residents, at their discretion, to allow visitors. One of the gates, Fulshaw Park South to Stockton Road/Knutsford Road has now been permanently closed. The gates at Fulshaw Park South/Alderley Rd and Fulshaw Park/Knutsford Rd were removed by developers (and not replaced). Fulshaw Park (the road) remains a Private Street and can be closed by the residents at any time to vehicular access.

Every week-end (which latterly includes Fridays) the residents have been subjected to noise-level far exceeding the 86dB legal limit for cars; on the week-end in question an illegal "car-meet" advertised on the internet, resulted in an unprecedented invasion. Evidently Cheshire Police were aware of this in advance. I have been in touch with Cheshire Police (the local officers responded, the Chief Constable did not,) similarly the PCC did not respond.

I have the greatest respect for Cheshire Police, who have been strangled for cash by our former MP, George Osborne. CEC are similarly stretched but perhaps we get what we (not me) vote for.

Unless I missed it; or local MP has yet to comment, in public, on this "Nuisance".
Christian Hurstfield
Wednesday 5th August 2020 at 2:56 pm
Doesn't this somehow help with the footfall in Wilmslow town centre? Or does that not matter anymore, I can't keep up with what's currently the main concern at Wilmslow, if it's not shops closing because no-one goes there, it's too many people are going there in their flashy cars, presumably for a day out...
Mark Russell
Thursday 6th August 2020 at 3:59 pm
Pete. Stop mugging yourself off.

The vehicles cause traffic and noise pollution plus some of the spectators, who come to watch from the roundabouts and bridges, are parking illegally blocking people's driveways and residential roads.

Like I said, if the parking had been sorted, instead of buck passing for over a decade here and Alderley edge, people wouldn’t need to park against the rules. (It’s not illegal by the way, it’s a traffic offence).

As for the noise, I assume these cars are passing their mot’s so The noise must be within laws.

People are dieing and losing jobs because of Covid and your crying about a few cars coming out on a sunny day. Talk about first world problems.
Terry Roeves
Sunday 9th August 2020 at 8:24 am
I expect that CEC will conduct a survey. Another one to add to their obfuscation list.
It’s for the police to enforce existing laws. Will they bother?