The Ryleys shows kindness with flowers

Promotional Feature

Last month’s whole school target at The Ryleys School was ‘Kindness’ and to bring this objective alive, pupils performed random acts of kindness in Alderley Edge, at school and at home. 

Last week, pupils handed out posies of flowers to surprise shoppers in the village and also handed out hand-written words of kindness. They gave bunches of flowers to local businesses including Alderley Edge Library, and Piccolino. The shoppers were so surprised, one shopper said: “I have just come from serving lunches to elderly residents at the church and you have now given me these. You have made me so happy!”
Pupils also gave a posy to the local traffic warden, to which she replied: “No one likes me, thank you so much!”. The pupils really enjoyed making everyone so happy and they were all able to see how much joy it brings to people when you offer a little act of kindness. 

In school, during the same week, all staff were brought a cupcake and pupils made pledges to do something kind at home. There have been all sorts of kindness acts carried out from looking after animals and cleaning out cupboards to cleaning the car and walking dogs. 

Head Teacher, Mrs Julia Langford, said: “At a time of year when children are usually thinking of what they would like for Christmas, we encourage them to think of others. The pupils have really embraced this target and it’s been wonderful to see so many acts of kindness performed and see the happiness it brings.” 

The Ryleys