Luxury bike business confirms expansion to Wilmslow

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An independent cycling retailer and cycling experience provider has announced that it has completed a funding round which will enable it to open an operation in Wilmslow.

The Service Course, which is based in Girona, Spain will open in three new locations in the coming months: Oslo, Tuscany and in a former kitchen showroom on Alderley Road.

The company was founded by retired professional cyclist Christian Meier and his wife, Amber, and aims to bring a world-class cycling experience via its portfolio of retail services, custom bike rentals and builds, unique events and travel experiences.

The round one of funding was lead by professional cyclists Simon Gerrans, Kasia Niewiadoma, Michael Woods and Edvald Boassan Hagen.

In addition, Henrik Orre, formerly the chef for Team Sky has come on board as a shareholder and executive, contributing to the development of the company's La Fabrica café operations, focussing on speciality coffee and healthy food options.

Christian Meier, founder co-owner and Chief Creative Officer of The Service Course said "Our heritage in professional cycling inspires everything that goes on at TSC, so bringing on other professionals is a natural progression.

"Joining our organisation also allows them to begin thinking about life after cycling and gives our community of recreational cyclists an opportunity to get one step closer to the professional cycling world. The pros who've joined us are as passionate about cycling as we are and that excitement extends beyond professional racing - Kasia, for example, is committed to getting more women on bikes."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Simon Worthington
Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 2:55 pm
Mmmm.... funding round - professional cyclists, professional chef!!!! No cash of their own? All being funded and the summer missed. It's just a fancy bike shop and a cafe. Don't need a crystal ball.....
Jon Williams
Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 4:46 pm
The company was founded by retired professional cyclist Christian Meierth who was 7th in the 2010 Tour of Britain, this years tour comes through Wilmslow about 11.30am
Gary Chaplin
Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 5:09 pm
Perhaps a little less cynicism Simon? The Service Course is a very well respected operation, but all businesses need investment to make step change. Going from one location to 4 is a significant move, and one that will be good for Wilmslow, good for cyclists might help improve the well-being of the local well as bringing business and spending power to the town, one might suggest that locals should be welcoming such a move, especially as they chose Wilmslow above any other location in the UK, not find reasons to besmirch it.
Andrew Thomas
Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 5:17 pm
Christian runs a very successful business with Amber in Girona. In fact they have three outlets that continue to trade well and it is quite usual to raise funds for expansion. They have historically been very supportive of businesses around the world including Northern Albion based in Wilmslow. I am sure the Wilmslow Service Course will make a positive contribution to the town centre and should be welcomed.

No need for a crystal ball Simon!
Wayne Jaffe
Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 7:26 pm
It's kudos to them and kudos for Wilmslow! I love it when something new opens in Wilmslow, and after Royles closed down I've missed having a cycle shop on the doorstep.Good luck to all concerned with this venture.
John Harries
Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 7:28 pm
This response may be a little off-grid but will this vision business inevitably bring more cyclists onto the local roads?
Perhaps CEC might note that their deplorable neglect of the cycleway network could lead to serious or fatal accidents of the increased cycling public - fair warning!
Much of the advisory road related cycle route network is constantly obstructed, being used as free parking for itinerate workers; there's another soapbox in the corner that I use to rant when we are being convinced about commercial overbuilding the greenbelt in order to create much needed jobs in Wilmslow!!
Where cycleways take to the footpaths there is little if no demarcation for pedestrians, what was originally there in an earlier 'greening' initiative by MBC has more or less diappeared and otherwise worn away. The miles of new cycleways along that fantastic feat of civil engineering (the oft flooding A555, OKA the Venice of the North) weren't even marked to promote co-user safety for cyclists and footed friends.
I'm not a cyclist so have no axe to grind. Our roads are not suitable for cycling (just try a little run around the area and, should you manage to remain upright, take note of how many holes you must avoid if you pedal within 1M of the kerb) and dedicated cycleways are unusable, inaccessible or unrecognisable.
Simon Worthington
Thursday 12th September 2019 at 12:04 pm
My comments were based more upon the greed of landlords and East Cheshire Council, the fact it is a seasonal business in the UK, that the location may prove testing (another outdoor cafe taking space currently available to walk across) and jumping from one to four seems optimistic.
There is a great bike shop not quite on your doorstep - a mile or so down the (potholed and clogged with itinerant parkers blocking cycle lanes) road in Handforth.
Jon Williams
Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7:02 pm
Simon, it's not just a bike shop !
Simon Worthington
Monday 16th September 2019 at 3:57 pm
May well be Jon; a cafe!!!! and travel agent if I'm not mistaken, but that was a response to the comment about missing a bike shop!!!!