Ashdene Primary School is officially 'Outstanding'

Ashdene Primary School has been rated as 'outstanding' in all areas by Ofsted following an inspection which took place over two days at the beginning of March.

The Wilmslow school achieved the highest possible rating for effectiveness of leadership and management; quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; outcomes for students; early years provision and overall effectiveness.

The inspection judgements observed that "The headteacher has driven the development of the school with determination since taking charge in 2016. She has the highest aspirations for pupils and staff. Together with a very effective senior leadership team, she has brought about rapid and highly effective improvements in every area of the school."

Head Teacher,Collette Mather, said "We are thrilled with the result of our inspection and to be given the recognition from OFSTED that Ashdene is an outstanding school. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that as a team we have created a school that ensures all children achieve highly both academically and in their personal development, but more importantly that they are happy and developing a passion for learning."

Ashdene Primary School is attended by over 400 pupils aged 4 to 11 years old.

Anne Gadsden, Chair of Governors commented "Over the past two years as a parent and Governor, I have witnessed the hard work, commitment and dedication of both pupils and staff at Ashdene. Since the appointments of Mrs Mather, Mr Hayes and the senior leadership team, they have been of one mind, supported by the governing body, to ensure that the children at Ashdene Primary School receive the best education possible. All the governors and I are delighted that Ofsted have confirmed that Ashdene Primary School is an outstanding school."

The summary of key findings from the report include the following:

  • The governors provide very strong leadership. They are knowledgeable and dedicated. They provide the right balance of support and challenge to ensure that the quality of education is always improving.
  • Leaders have designed a curriculum that is vibrant and very well planned. This supports pupils' outstanding progress in a wide range of subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, art, science and computing.
  • The impact of teaching over time is outstanding. Teaching is innovative and imaginative. Consequently, pupils are keen to learn.
  • Pupils are very well cared for and feel safe. Their attendance is excellent. They display high levels of respect towards each other and adults.
  • Pupils have a strong sense of pride in their school community. They are confident and curious learners. Pupils are taught to be responsible and compassionate. They play an active part in establishing a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Their personal development is outstanding.
  • Attainment throughout the school is exceptionally high. At the end of key stages 1 and 2, pupils routinely achieve well above national averages in reading, writing and mathematics. Actions to close the gap in performance between the most able boys and girls are having a positive impact.
  • Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very well supported. These pupils make the same strong progress as other pupils in the school.
  • The early years provision is outstanding. The early years leader is an excellent role model who sets high expectations for teaching and learning. Staff have created a stimulating learning environment in which children flourish and make substantial progress in all areas of learning.

The areas identified for improvement were:

  • Continue to embed strategies to develop confidence in the most able boys, so that their progress is as excellent as that of girls in reading and writing.
  • Build even further on the high-quality teaching, by ensuring that teachers' instructions help pupils understand the steps needed to make progress and complete tasks successfully.

Click here to read the full report.

Ashdene Primary, Ofsted


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Oliver Romain
Sunday 7th April 2019 at 6:48 am
Congratulations to teachers, staff, governors, volunteers and pupils for this achievement.