Council prepares to launch next phase of borough’s development plan

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Cheshire East Council is about to launch the next phase of the Development Plan, the approved framework for housing, employment, and other key infrastructure sites up to 2030.

With the local plan strategy adopted last year, the council is now in the position of identifying further non-strategic sites for development, including housing, and there will be a consultation process starting September 5th.

The Site Allocations and Development Policy Document (SADPD) will follow a similar pathway to the Local Plan Strategy, with two rounds of six-week public consultations, supported by a range of evidence documents and followed up with a series of public hearings chaired by a government planning inspector.

When adopted, the SADPD will replace the legacy policies of the three former borough local plans, covering Macclesfield, Congleton and Crewe and Nantwich.

The sites in the SADPD will be non-strategic – sites of less than 150 homes or five hectares in size. Some will be focused in key employment areas in principal towns, such as Crewe, or in smaller key service centres, including Alderley Edge.

The proposals included in this document for Alderley Edge are:
- allocation of site ALD1 (adjacent to Jenny Heyes) for approximately 10 dwellings*
- allocation of site ALD2 (adjacent to Ryleys Farm) for approximately 75 dwellings
- allocation of site ALD3 (adjacent to Ryleys Farm) of 2ha safeguarded land for housing**
- allocation of site ALD4 (Horseshoe Farm) of 0.75ha of safeguarded land for employment**

The council must also meet its obligation to provide affordable housing, Gypsy and Traveller sites and sites for Travelling Showpeople.

A further element of the document is the review of policy boundaries around towns and villages to guide location of development and direct investment to them.

Councillor Ainsley Arnold, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for housing, planning and regeneration, said: "It is important that our residents and businesses are given a clear picture of what the council must provide in terms of housing sites, employment sites and other infrastructure requirements.

"Cheshire East is a great place to live, work, raise a family and have access to good schools and quality housing. This next phase in the local plan process is open and transparent and we encourage as many people as possible, including stakeholders and partners, to engage in this consultation process.

"The Local Plan Strategy and the SADPD are central to the achievement of sustainable development in the borough."

A summary of the main proposals contained in the SADPD can be seen in the agenda for the Strategic Planning Board meeting on 29 August 2018.

* this site is actually in Wilmslow, but in planning terms is considered part of Alderley Edge
** safeguarded for development during a future plan period, i.e. after 2030.

Cheshire East Council, Local Plan


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Tuesday 21st August 2018 at 3:57 pm
How many more parking spaces and where? Still ploughing through.....
Brian McGavin
Saturday 25th August 2018 at 2:56 pm
Good God! We have just had years of attrition by Cheshire East determined to push it Development Plan on local residents, who have fought doggedly for a more sensible approach, pointing out many opportunities for limiting development on remaining greenbelt land.
Now the council announces that having adopted its local development plan to build thousands more houses in the area, it is now in the position of identifying further non-strategic sites for development, including housing, and there will be a consultation process starting September 5th. Some people get paid to process this consultation war of attrition, while resident's concerns are routinely side-lined as 'not the answer we want'.