Council announces resignation of Chief Executive


Cheshire East Council has confirmed that one of its senior officers has resigned today (Tuesday, 10th July).

A spokesperson for Cheshire East Council said; "The council's chief executive, Mike Suarez, has tendered his resignation with immediate effect. Mr Suarez's resignation has been accepted."

Chief Executive Michael Suarez has been suspended since April 2017 after concerns were raised over his conduct.

The Investigation and Disciplinary Committee met on Monday, 10th and Tuesday 11th April 2017, to discuss the issues raised.

Following the meetings Cheshire East Council confirmed that a decision had been taken to suspend Mike Suarez while an independent investigation is undertaken.

The Council will not disclose any details regarding the nature of the concerns raised about his conduct.

Mike Suarez joined Cheshire East Council as Chief Executive in August 2013, having experience in Local Government with several other councils. He started his local government career at the London Borough of Southwark before taking up his first Director role with Slough Borough Council. He was previously an Executive Director with the London Borough of Lambeth.

Cheshire East Council, Mike Suarez


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Bob Jones
Tuesday 10th July 2018 at 2:41 pm
So much for accountability! Over 12 months taxpayer funded salary to achieve a cover up.
Nick Jones
Tuesday 10th July 2018 at 3:37 pm
WIll not disclose detail ? another big severence payout looming in stead of dismissal then,Once again from the council that also concealed details of Lyme Green, The report, The total cost, The conduct of those involved, and then the £45k payout to Janet Clowes who was recommended for dismissal. Then concealed the reason why the three Cllrs Sarah Pochin, David Marren and Howard Murray were removed from their posts, Concealed why they said " Never build on these fields "at Adlington Rd then did... same story at Royal London, Concealed their inability to tackle bullying at Westfields,
alongside the actual cost of Co-socious (£ 3 million +?), ‘Flawed CEC Local Plan’ (£ 3.7M+ ?) ,‘Corefit’ debacle ( £160k+legal action ), The‘deliberate and systematic’ failures re; Pollution data and The cost of severance to disgraced officers now leaving CEC pay to those suspended or on gardening leave as a ‘neutral act’ (£Millions) ,Employing Sticky Change ‘Bullying’ Consultants £152k, Employing Lancashire based JGM Spin Doctors (£1.2M?) . The Cost of Concealment will tell at the Ballot box ! Perhaps the 'Nemesis casting' nominee can explain as the deselected Lyme Green Cllr has failed to do so.
Jonathan Follows
Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 7:34 am
Now would be a good time to restructure CEC to eliminate the job of Chief Executive, which is only an expensive way of getting in some hired help to do the job of the people we elect. Our councillors only get away with this because we allow them to. If people want to stand for election, and then find themselves in charge, they should step up to their responsibilities which include the mechanics of running the council themselves. If this is too much for them, then they shouldn't stand for election in the first place.
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 9:37 am
“The Council will not disclose any details regarding the nature of the concerns raised about his conduct.”

So much for the policy of “openness and clarity” trotted out ad nauseum by the Leader and Councillors.
Vic Barlow
Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 5:02 pm
Why don’t we just pay them off when we recruit them and save all the paid leave none sense ?
So far we have had two very expensive ‘full time’ chief execs who spent more time at home than they did on the job AND paid off both of them.
So we kind of know which way the next one is going before CEC make the appointment
Chris Wigley
Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 7:30 pm
To paraphrase Wilde's Lady Bracknell

‘To lose one chief executive , Cheshire East, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.’

Indeed even the interim Kim who stepped in between Erika and Mike seem to disappear in a hurry.

Perhaps Private Eye will inform us what really went on as the leadership of the council seems to like to adopt the governing methods of the Stasi.
Laurie Atterbury
Wednesday 11th July 2018 at 10:20 pm
Just cannot believe the audacity if of this local government.
Stuart Redgard
Thursday 12th July 2018 at 12:52 am
So Mr Suarez has resigned as CEO, but his resignation does not mean the end of the criminal investigation being carried out by the police into misconduct in a public office. That started over 30 months ago on 23rd December 2015 and relates to the award of contracts and the involvement of all relevant individuals in that process. The purpose of the investigation is to establish what happened and who was involved.

My comment today is similar to the one I made at that time.

Interesting times ahead for Cheshire East Council. Let's wait and see what comes out of this investigation and them comment appropriately.
Manuel Golding
Thursday 12th July 2018 at 9:06 am
Whatever CE does and says, its swamp is just so deep we cannot see the bottom of it.
More effluence still to come. And no doubt the current CE majority party will spare no effort in adding ever more garbage to its pit.
This sorry and expensive fiasco just gives added incentive to ensure we, the voters, play our part in emptying the Cheshire East cesspit. That is why Residents of Wilmslow believes the only way forward for CE is for the voters to elect independent, non party affiliated, councillors as RoW have and will continue to fight to achieve here in Wilmslow at the next election round in May 2019,
Peter Croome
Thursday 12th July 2018 at 10:22 am
Surprise, Surprise!!!

Mr. Golding is right the electorate must vote for Independent Councillors, and take politics out of Councils.