'The financial position of this authority is very sound'


Cheshire East Council has released accounts for the 2017/18 financial year – which they say confirm that the authority remains in a healthy financial position.

Despite a challenging year where, nationally, local authorities faced the combined effects of increased demand for services and a reduction in government funding, Cheshire East maintained general reserves at a balanced level for 2017/18.

Cheshire East had a capital expenditure in the last financial year of £88.2m, which comprised a highways investment programme spend of £10m, an £8.5m spend on a schools improvement programme and £3.5m on a complete finance and HR business software solution called 'Best4Business' to improve council efficiencies.

The borough's unemployment rate of 3.1 per cent of economically active people aged 16 and above, is lower than the national and North West average of 4.4 per cent. It equates to approximately 5,600 of our 377,100 residents.

Councillor Paul Bates, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for finance and communications, said: "The last year hasn't been easy in terms of the economic climate but Cheshire East residents can be assured that the financial position of this authority is very sound.

"To be able to report an unchanged bank balance reserves of £10.3m, despite the national challenges we have faced, is a credit to the officers delivering this work daily."

The draft accounts are available for public inspection up to 12 July on the Cheshire East Council website.

Cheshire East Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Terry Roeves
Thursday 14th June 2018 at 9:00 am
Of course you can have reserves IF you accumulate s106 and NHB monies without spending much of either. Must be well North of £10m for the Borough.
Cllr Goldsmith is correct to draw our attention to how our money is not being spent.
WTC deserve far better treatment from CEC. Wilmslow knows what it wants.
CEC doesn’t care, unless I’m told otherwise.
Pete Taylor
Thursday 14th June 2018 at 6:20 pm
Well, isn’t that splendid?
How much are CEC spending on salaries for those under suspension and under investigation by the Police. How much are they spending on salaries for substitutes for these people?
No wonder the bus services are being run down on a monthly basis.
In which universe does Paul Bates live?
Manuel Golding
Friday 15th June 2018 at 10:50 pm
If thus was April the 1st, I would be rolling over with laughter.
Who do they really think they are fooling?
This single propoganda piece clearly illustrates just why the voters of Wilmslow should return independent Residents of Wilmslow candidates at next May's CEC and WTC elections to represent the voters of Wilmslow.