An appeal has been lodged against Cheshire East Council's refusal to grant planning permission for the change of use of a former petrol filling station to a hand car wash and valet business.
Shines has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate over the committee's refusal of their plans for two car wash bays - consisting of a spraying area and a valeting area - at the site of the former Kings Arms Service Station on Alderley Road in Wilmslow.
The appeal application (registered in November 2016 under reference 16/5610M) is a resubmission of application 16/3309M which was withdrawn in September 2016 due to concerns raised by the council and local residents about highway safety and the lack of information regarding noise impact and land contamination.
The appeal application was recommended for approval by officers but was refused by the planning committee in July 2017 on the grounds that it would be detrimental to the character of the area and not enhance this important gateway site to Wilmslow. Additionally, the committee decided the proposed development would be contrary to the interests of highway safety because of the potential for cars waiting to access the site queuing back onto the public highway.
This decision is being appealed on the grounds that "There would be no harm to the character and appearance of the area, neighbouring amenity or highway safety. The proposal would comply with the development plan and in accordance with paragraph 14 of the NPPF, should be approved without delay. There are no material considerations to indicate otherwise."
The appellant's case states that:
- The proposal would make efficient use of a previously developed site surrounded by existing commercial uses and redevelopment of the site should be encouraged.
- The proposed development would have no adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area.
- The proposed development would have no adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.
- The proposed development would have no adverse impact on highway safety.
Speaking about the appeal Councillor Rod Menlove, who called the application in for consideration by the Northern Planning Committee, said "The claim of sustainable economic growth is questionable in that the car wash only is considered,the potential negative impact of spray and noise on the outdoor and indoor trade of the adjoining Kings Arms is ignored and no mention is made of the length of the lease from Robinsons but if it is short term it is hardly 'sustainable'."
He added "The inclusion of the example of the Mobberley Road, Knutsford car wash is misleading as it is totally different. The road is not near a junction and the site has considerable off-street space to accommodate waiting cars. The true comparator in terms of size, proximity to a busy main road junction and adverse impact on the character of the area is the site in Handforth Where cars frequently queue on the main road and can be backed up to the traffic lights. Those cars from the other direction have to wait in the centre of the road to cross traffic.
"Road safety considerations are confined to visibility splays and queuing on Alderley Road whilst greater concerns arise from the speed of southbound traffic joining Alderley Road and Knutsford Road from the Kings Arms roundabout, High School pupils and other pedestrians crossing Alderley Road on foot, adjacent bus stops, private school buses and parents dropping off and collecting pupils. It is a dangerous bottleneck to put it mildly."
Cllr Menlove continued "The Royal London planning applications entail new roads joining Alderley Road plus associated centre lanes with 60 dwellings on the west side and 120 on the east which will add to the congestion."
Comments from interested parties can be made online (using case number 3186936) and need to be submitted by December 18th.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
"Road safety considerations are confined to visibility splays and queuing on Alderley Road whilst greater concerns arise from the speed of southbound traffic joining Alderley Road and Knutsford Road from the Kings Arms roundabout, High School pupils and other pedestrians crossing Alderley Road on foot, adjacent bus stops, private school buses and parents dropping off and collecting pupils. It is a dangerous bottleneck to put it mildly."
Well said !
I note that nobody is saying it won’t be popular, it seems the objections are because it will be popular!
I doubt that this site has sufficient space to achieve this. Without it it will block the road.
Oliver - this is the point I make numerous times. it is no where near a house yet individuals continue to peddle ridiculous views to support their position.
I hate to admit this...but I admire Simon worthington....he is very honest about what he wants / doesn’t want. He is transparent and upfront. He doesn’t try and peddle ridiculous views / objections like a large number of the contributors on here.
There are a good few who seem to think that eloquent and intellectual lingo regarding traffic, design and a load of other garbage will some how strengthen their view. The planners unsurprisingly over rule them...they then get upset.
Consider affordable housing, car wash not needed in wilmslow, noise and long traffic as others have pointed out and waiting cars giving off carbon monoxide which will be there all day long whilst waiting to have cars cleaned
How about a car wash at Handforth dean, when shopping!,,, lots of space there
Litter is a big issue in wilmslow with additional offices and more workers travelling into Wilmslow to work and less travelling into Manchester, who will clean up around there - council perhaps - I don't think so.!!
Robinsons pub needs updating, revamping or rebuilding needed.- just saying even slight paint work