£1.7m power network upgrade will mean summer of roadworks

Electricity North West 2

More than 22,000 homes and business in Wilmslow, Handforth, Chelford and Alderley Edge are set to benefit from a £1.7m upgrade to the local power network.

Engineers from Electricity North West, the region's power network operator, are replacing 5km of underground electricity cables between Alderley Edge and Wilmslow.

The project, which will start on the 24th July, will replace faulted oil-filled cables which have been in place for around 60 years, with new environmentally-friendly and efficient cables.

John Pietsch, South Operations Transmission Manager, for Electricity North West, said: "We're proud to be investing almost £2m in the local community to ensure 22,000 customers, including Styal Prison and Quarry Bank Mill, enjoy a reliable supply of power which we all take for granted every day.

"Power cuts are thankfully rare, but as these cables were first installed in the 1960s it's vital we upgrade them now and replace a faulty cable, so we continue to deliver an excellent, safe and affordable service to all our customers across the region.

"It's an investment of around £1 per property per year to keep power flowing for at least another 60 years, so it's great to be delivering such value for such an essential service to the local area."

The work, which has been agreed by Cheshire East Council, will start on the 24th July and take approximately 17 weeks. Work has been scheduled to take place during the school summer holidays to try and minimise the impact for motorists and residents.

Updated: Monday 24th July - Temporary traffic lights and road closures will be in place to allow engineers to safely carry out the work and diversions will be signposted. The first announced closure is Styal Road in WIlmslow which will now be closed from August 7th for 12 weeks.

See the Cheshire East Council's website for more information regarding road closures and planned works.

Electricity North West


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Mark Russell
Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 7:05 pm
Can someone from the council tell me how I'm supposed to get in and out of wilmslow? The a34 is a building site, the tunnels are gridlocked for a bit of painting and now style is going to be shut off. We don't all have helicopters in wilmslow, some of us do drive! Disgraceful
Sally Hoare
Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 7:07 pm
I appreciate that this work needs to be done, but what timing! The only way out of Wilmslow without hold ups is South.
Paul Hampton
Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 7:41 pm
Perhaps it's unavoidable, but the timing of the 12 week Styal Road closure whilst the airport tunnel work overruns will very likely result in rush hour misery for anyone trying to access either the airport or M56 from Wilmslow.
Laurie Atterbury
Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 10:16 pm
Wilmslow is becoming an island. Perhaps we should declare independance?
Jonathan Fox
Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 11:26 pm
Does anyone in Cheshire East council talk to their counterparts in planning at Stockport Council? There are road closures in Wilmslow, Styal, Bramhall, Woodford, the A537 out of Macclesfield and the Silk Road in Macclesfield from August 4th to name but a few. There are all the other temporary lights in and around the airport link road and the whole venture smacks of chaos. If they got on with the work quickly you could accept but cones sit there for months where there need not be cones and there appears to be no apparent work being done. It moves at a snails pace. Whoever plans such idiocy needs to stand up be counted and explain to Cheshire's weary commuters why these works are planned all together simultaneously. It's a shambles.
Paul Green
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 12:34 am
Plus temporary four way traffic lights in Handforth village at the junction with Station Road/Bulkley Road, while the pavements are widened and the traffic control is upgraded, all due to commence end of July for six weeks.
Paul Wadsworth
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 8:01 am
We should be welcome of the investment and thankful that Electricity North West has chosen to start the works whilst the schools are off and the roads are at their quietest.
There is never a good time to invest in out networks when it means delays on roads but we are alway first to complain when the roads are in a poor state of repair, we have a power cut, burst water main or poor broadband.
I support the investment. Thank you Electricity North West.
Kathryn Blackburn
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 8:04 am
No comment on here as yet that this cable 'network upgrade' is actually part of the low voltage network design which will reduce the voltage into our homes to add to the reduction already in operation on our street lighting.
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 8:09 am
Can you imagine what it is going to be like when all the planning applications go in for Wilmslow? Suggestion at the Local Plan Examination that the impact of all the sites needed to be looked at at the same time was met with derision and we were told that highway impacts of each site would be judged separately. Perhaps someone at Cheshire East should mug up on chaos theory.
Ryan Dance
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 9:04 am
usual slant jackie - back to the housing story except on this occasion you omitted to mention copious amounts of bins
Mark Russell
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 11:36 am
Just found out someone has dug another hole outside waters, and has left it gaping with traffic lights in place. Thats 3 separate road works in just over a mile on that road, i dont care if its summer holidays or Christmas, to have all this work going on at once is incompetence and something needs to be done about it. God knows we pay enough tax on fuel and road tax, but nobody cares about the distribution all this causes the users. Can you imagine if the railways had 3 separate works within a couple of miles, causing hours of delays, the papers would be up in arms. We should organise a blockade like the french do, at the councils ivory tower, and see how they like being delayed getting home by hours??!!!
Mark Russell
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 11:38 am

You couldn't make this up!!!! Thats every major road now around Wilmslow with roadworks on.
Brian McGavin
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 4:02 pm
Jonathon Fox's comments above set out the issues very well. After years of government urging councils to work more smartly on road work, there is still no joined up thinking, as local traffic gridlock gets worse and the council approves huge largely unwanted retail developments and ever more housing on greenbelt.
I rang the council about the months of delays on the A34 bypass around Stanley Green where traffic cones sit with little visible sign of work. Only to get lame excuses that things will be happening. The new airport link road will bring traffic much faster to the Styal Road cross over but we find that no underpass is planned here. So all this expensive project with complex crossovers will bring traffic to a halt at red lights just before the airport. Already, I have never seen such queuing going all the way from the airport turn nearly to Styal village. In a further twist, Stockport Council decided to spend taxpayers money on new lights at the A34 Eden park Road roundabout - by the office block, and it is only a three way turn easily handled by the roundabout. This was never a traffic problem before but now it has slowed traffic further. Is this really an intelligent use of public money?
Paul Hampton
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 4:03 pm
Yes, Paul W, no doubt all residents of Wilmslow, Styal and Handforth will be incredibly grateful to spend their summer, choking on the fumes caused by being enveloped in miles of gridlocked traffic.

Some common sense is needed around the phasing of these works. Reasonable people can accommodate road closures and temporary traffic lights, but draw the line when it comes to all main arterial routes in and out of town being simultaneously impacted.

Poor planning.
Nick Jones
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 4:55 pm
'Joined up thinking and Common sense' ... Once more absent again by the 'barrow load' from those charged with responsibility for our roads... So no real surprise... merely reassuring the electorate of their demonstrable inability to 'run a bath' .. never mind a ' Libatious event in a Brewery. '..
Laurie Atterbury
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 5:14 pm
Whilst we're on the subject of CEC incompetence why are the car park machines in Spring St still unable to take the new £1 coins surely by now they should accept legal tender? CEC are just not capable of organising a brew up in a toilet!!!!
Gwynneth Littleton
Wednesday 19th July 2017 at 6:03 pm
It would have been very helpful to have had a little more warning of this. Styal Road resident! Gwynneth Littleton.