Local people are being asked to come forward with ideas for a £400,000 community fund aimed at tackling health issues in their areas.
This might include a single individual with an exciting idea to get people active where they live, to a local voluntary organisation experienced in providing support and advice to people to help them to eat healthily.
The money comes from the Cheshire East Council's Public Health Service and is targeted at projects which will positively address health issues such as obesity, lack of physical fitness, and mental wellbeing on a very local level.
A Council spokesperson said "The initiative has been designed to maximise potential benefits by allowing local people to decide what will work for them in their area. This includes encouraging innovative projects which make the most of community links.
"Final funding decisions are being made at events organised by Locality Networks and supported by staff in the Council's Communities Service. These will provide a great opportunity for local people to choose which projects they feel will make the best difference to their local area, as everyone who attends will have a vote."
The Council is running three 'You Decide' drop-in sessions locally on Tuesday, 6th September. These will be held at the The Open Arms Community Centre from 10am to 12 noon, Handforth Youth Centre from 1pm to 3pm and Wilmslow Parish Hall from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
Click here to download an application form.
The closing date for applications is Monday 10th October - All applications will be reviewed by an independent Local Community Network and they will contact you to let you know if you will be invited to present your project during the local Decision Day.
You will hear if you have been invited to present your project by: 24th October The Decision Day will take place on 19th November 2016.
If you have any questions about how to apply or for details of your local Drop In sessions please email the local Community Engagement Officer Val Burlison or call her on on 0780 721 3170.