Yet another blocked driveway on Ashdene Road. This is becoming increasingly more commonplace than it should be.
It is a result of ignorant and particularly lazy people dropping off and picking up from, not just Ashdene Primary School but all primary schools.
Pressure has been put on the police to act by booking these law breaking citizens but without their visual presence on a regular basis and support for the local community by head teachers, this persistent problem will accelerate out of control and who knows what the outcome will be.
Please note that this was not the only driveway blocked in the school vicinity plus double parking and parking on pavements.
Just think of the revenue that could be raised by booking all these inconsiderate road users!
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
You can barely manoeuvre a small car in and out of the spaces to allow oncoming traffic to pass. The cars are double parked, parked across corners, less than 10m from junctions, opposite junctions in every direction. I even witnessed a black Audi parked in the middle of the mouth/opening of an avenue. Admittedly there was someone in the driving seat, but come on people, this is inconsiderate at best and a danger to the young children who are walking on the pavements with vehicles haphazardly parked all around! It's frightening...
It is an offence to park across a dropped curb like that, quite apart from it being entirely anti-social. One appreciates the police are too busy to prosecute these selfish motorists, so public naming and shaming might be the way to go.
1. Policeman would let one tyre down.
2. Not moved? Let another tyre down.
3. Later, all four tyres down.
4. Still not returned? Policeman would crease car body with his truncheon.
We should never take the law into our own hands, but lobby your MP for a change. This has much to commend it, so long as there's a policeman available of course.
Police sufficient funds to act. And by the way - "keying" the confounded car blocking a drive way will only get the perpetrator in even worse trouble, tempting though I am quite certain it is.