I met a lady today being dragged around the park by her boxer dog. She was hanging on for dear life as it lunged towards my pack.
"He's very strong," she said.
"Yes, I can see that."
"And he's only ten-months-old" she gasped.
Sidestepping her prancing dog I asked how she thought she would cope with him in another twelve months.
I didn't hear her response as she hurtled off towards the ducks paddling in the pond behind her charging boxer.
Clearly she needed help. At ten-months-old this dog was ticking like a bomb. I made a mental note to remember her when I received the inevitable phone call from another frantic owner.
Leaving your dog's education until his behaviour become so unruly you cannot cope is crisis-management which would be totally unnecessary with immediate intervention.
We all 'mean' to do something in the future. I 'mean' to learn the guitar. I probably won't get around to it but it won't ruin anyone's life. Neglecting your dog's education is an entirely different matter. Quite apart from having a dog that no one wants it will create a lot of family friction and stress.
I see these unruly, nervous and disobedient dogs every day and wonder how anyone can live with them. Truth is they can't... they just put up with it.
This coming Sunday, 27th September, I shall be at Teggs Nose Visitor Centre with my Behaviour Clinic. For a £10 donation to a local animal charity I will work directly with your dog on any issues he/she may have.
If you don't see an immediate improvement in his/her behaviour I will pay the donation myself.
Please do not wait until catastrophe strikes. I know the consequences - I deal with them every day.
Get your dog to Teggs Nose Country Park in Macclesfield SK11 0AP 10am to 12 noon on Sunday and see just how good your dog can be.
(You can text me directly for an appointment on 07590-560012).