Handforth hotel's extension plans approved


A Handforth hotel has been granted planning permission to build a rooftop extension.

The extension at the Pinewood Hotel on Wilmslow Road will add an additional floor to the main section of the hotel, but the height will not exceed the highest part of the existing building.

The scheme will provide an additional 19 bedrooms and an additional 19 car parking spaces on an area of land that the hotel has previously used for overspill car parking and is already covered in hardcore.

Occupants of three neighbouring properties objected on the grounds that the hotel was getting bigger and bigger, encroaching into the peaceful environment and the extension will result in additional disturbance to residential properties as a result of noise, overlooking, light pollution and loss of light.

However, case officer John Williamson concluded that "The proposed extension will result in some change regarding shadowing and sunlight. However, it is considered the extent of change would not have a significant impact on any neighbouring properties."

Pinewood Hotel, Planning Applications