Cheshire East Council is seeking the views of local residents and cyclists on the way forward for cycling across the Borough.
The Council has recently launched its draft cycling strategy and would like feedback from residents on its vision for the future of cycling in Cheshire East.
The draft strategy has been written following initial engagement with local cycling groups, to help shape this document.
The survey, which will take about five minutes to complete, can be done online at Paper copies are also available from various locations including all Cheshire East libraries and customer service centres. The consultation runs until September 14th.
The vision for cycling in Cheshire East, outlined in the draft cycling strategy, is to enable more people to cycle in safety, more often and with confidence for everyday and leisure journeys. The aim is to promote the health and wellbeing of residents and to help improve the quality of where we live – as well as support economic growth.
The team at Cheshire East is keen to hear from everyone, whether you ride for occasional leisure or regularly as part of a commute, or even if you don't ride at all but might like start using your cycle.
Councillor David Brown, Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for highways, said: "We've put a lot of work into this draft cycling strategy and it's important we get people's views on it. As a Council we are committed to helping our residents live well and for longer as well as making Cheshire East a green and sustainable place to live.
"Helping people to get out and cycle more will help us achieve those outcomes."
When all the comments are collated, feedback will be taken into account in the final version of the cycling strategy, which will be available online at the Cheshire East website.
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Could it be that CEC don't want inputs from the public?