Plans for external changes at Waters HQ


A planning application has been submitted to Cheshire East Council for external amendments at the site of Waters new headquarters on Altrincham Road.

The application refers to three areas on the site referred to as Zones 1, 2 and 3 - which are all focussed on improving access to the site.

The proposal includes enlarging the drop off area (zone 1) to allow coaches to manoeuvre more easily, expanding the visitor car park from 20 spaces to 60 spaces and creating a dedicated coach turning area.

The extended car park will be accessed from the rear of the existing one, so there will be no alterations to the entrance to the car park or access road, and 6% of the spaces will be available for disabled visitors.

The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 14/5766M.

The last date for submitting comments is 22nd January and a decision is expected to be made by 5th February.

Planning Applications, Waters Corporation