A planning application has been submitted for the change of use from retail to restaurant for the ground floor of a vacant property on Wilmslow Road, Handforth.
The proposal is to enable Hellas Greek Restaurant, located next door, to expand their business.
The ground floor of 111 Wilmslow Road, which was previously occupied by Souvenir Seed Store, has been boarded up and vacant for about 18 months.
The expansion will not only create additional seating for the restaurant but also provide ground floor toilet facilities and improved parking facilities at the rear of the properties.
There is currently a privately owned car park to the rear of 109 and 111, Wilmslow Road which is to be cleared of vegetation and opened up to provide for more off street parking.
The scale of the proposal is, with the exception of an increase to the front bay window, limited to the existing ground floor footprint.
The planning application can be viewed on Cheshire East Council's website by searching for planning reference 13/3413M.
The last date for submitting comments is 6th September and a decision is expected by 7th October.