Town Council to spend £12,700 on ceremonial chains

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Wilmslow Town Council has agreed to spend £12,701 on purchasing chains of office for their Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Speaking at the Town Council meeting on Monday, 17th June, Cllr Adrian Bradley said "This is another step forward towards establishing Wilmslow Town Council alongside neighbouring town and parish councils and getting ahead of some.

"It's agreed by everyone that the Chairman's chain which has been used for the last couple of years has not been the standard we would have wished."

The regalia cabinet at Cheshire East Council has been searched but nothing was found likely to be of use by Wilmslow Town Council, so they have been in talks with two major suppliers of council regalia.

Cllr Adrian Bradley said "We have at last the opportunity to take steps towards Wilmslow Town Council receiving the recognition it deserves."

Speaking about the quality of the regalia he was proposing, Cllr Bradley added "We were mightily impressed. It was wonderful and the price far more reasonable than we expected. Price is important but the regalia will last 30, 40 years - even 100 years has been mentioned - and it will remain an asset to the Council."

Cllr Gary Barton commented "This is an asset for the Council so it is not money that's disappeared but money transferred into assets. I think the investment is well made and at a sensible price."

Cllr Jim Crockatt said "I think we'd do well to invest in this regalia because in my two years (as Chairman) getting round to the various towns and villages in the county it was pretty obvious that what I was wearing was a fob.

"I think it is an investment for the future, it is like putting money in the bank, it is not money that is going to be frittered away. I think a chain like this will increase in value over years and think it will be a worthy investment of the Council."

However, not all councillors were in support of the proposal.

Cllr Christopher Dodson said "I'm afraid that I am not in agreement with this proposal. I feel especially in these stringent times that this is not good use of our money and I would sooner we spent the money for the benefit of the people of Wilmslow - on for example the magnificent planters - so I am afraid I cannot support this."

Cllr Don Glover added "I don't think it is a good use of taxpayers money."

The £12,701 covers the purchase of a Chairman's chain and pendant (£7869), ribbon with enamelled bar and pendant for the Vice-Chairman (£2876) and ten past Chairman's medals (£1956).

A debate also took place over the use of the word 'Chairman' and whether this should be replaced with 'Chair'.

Cllr Ruth McNulty said "I think these designs are most attractive and a step change improvement on what we have currently.

"But when we looked at the titles proposed it will come as no surprise I think to anyone in this room that I would not support the continuous use of terms dating back to an age before woman even had the vote, let alone had the temerity to stand for office.

"We're a new Council, we only came into being in the 21st century our focus is not to any heritage but rather to the future. We should use terminology and titles which are suitably of our time that not only our children but our grandchildren would judge appropriate."

Cllr Hilary Shepherd responded "Speaking personally I think the term is generic, everyone accepts it whether you are a man or a woman. It's like professor and doctor."

The proposal to spend £12,700 on purchasing new civic regalia was passed by nine votes to four. It was also decided, by 11 votes to 2, that the word 'Chairman' be used.

Photo: The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Cheshire East Council wearing their regalia.

Civic Regalia, Wilmslow Town Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Steven Cunliffe
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 1:52 pm
How appropiate that a civic chain is being used to flush more tax payers' money down the drain.
David Woolliscroft
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 4:25 pm
Well said Steven.
Raymond Acton
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 4:40 pm
After maximum points for the planters, the chain decision scores zero. The Council should be recognised by its deeds and not its regalia. Are we in a 'Regalia Competition'? Good to see 'Chairman' retained.
Barry Stafford
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 4:43 pm
This is stupid as usual. Which planet do these Councillors live on???£12 000+ would pay for a part time town cleaner for a year, or fill all the local pot holes, or empty the grids blocked on the many side roads. I very much regret voting you lot in. I expected a better performance like Knutsford and Poynton Parishes with lovely paving, great floral displays, a very clean town centre would be a great boost to business, How often do chains need to be taken out of the safe? Stupid, stupid, stupid.!!!!
Peter Davenport
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 6:48 pm
The misuse of language amazes me.
Chairman is short for chairmanager, the person who arranges the seating at a meeting..We ought to stop this so called upsetting people because the name might upset them. I have read in quite a few papers, that actresses are being called acotors. What a ridiculous waste of money for these chains of office. There is not one parish councillor or Cheshire East one on this earth. The money wasted is phenominal, such as resurfacing part of Booth's carpark this year, when the money could be put to repairing pot holes, which, from what I have seen, will be as bad as what they were, come a period of intense cold.
Patrick Prinsloo
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 7:56 pm
It's a great idea to have some regalia for these hard-working officers. But why go down the route of traditional gold chains? After all, this is a new Council, 21st century, so how about a 21st century interpretation of the concept of regalia. Let's be different. Get the schools and our creative industries thinking about this; run a competition; involve the electorate; set a target cost of £1000 for each. Lets move away from boring tradition and the expense this involves. (And avoid the high annual insurance costs that gold chains require.)
James MacDonald
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 8:30 pm
I hope they buy some matching rings, bracelets, earrings and crowns to go with them.

Seriously, what another waste of public money. 9 voted for this!! They should be voted out at the earliest opportunity.
Rehana Hindle
Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 8:45 pm
Tradition, tradition, looks good, could you consider having it made cheaper in the Far East. Please do not waste money which could be put to good use by having cleaner streets close to town centre and road surface including those pot holes. We need a road sweeper first, then both of you can walk down our streets in wilmslow in style showing off your shiny gold chains , otherwise the litter at your feet will take the shine away and holes in road will get in your way, or you could fall into them. Surely you want to be proud of what area you represent, isn't this the whole point.
Elaine Napier
Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 8:57 am
Another piece of self-serving arrogance by a local council. Why do these people think they are there? To serve the local community by whom they were elected, or to dress themselves up to go on treats and impress others of the same mindset? Being an elected councillor (at any level) does not authorise you to spend taxpayers' money on having a jolly time.

Got a few minutes to spare? Watch Channel 4's programme, Despatches, How Councils Waste Your Money. It'll make you weep - unless you're a certain type of councillor of course, when it might just give you more ideas on how to waste other people's money.
Martin Wells
Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 4:48 pm
Incredibly poor prioritisation. The town, roads, paths and shop fronts are a mess and 12k goes on a set of jewellery!
Pete Taylor
Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 8:28 pm
"Cllr Adrian Bradley said "We have at last the opportunity to take steps towards Wilmslow Town Council receiving the recognition it deserves."
Speaking about the quality of the regalia he was proposing, Cllr Bradley added "We were mightily impressed. It was wonderful and the price far more reasonable than we expected. Price is important but the regalia will last 30, 40 years - even 100 years has been mentioned - and it will remain an asset to the Council."
Cllr Gary Barton commented "This is an asset for the Council so it is not money that's disappeared but money transferred into assets. I think the investment is well made and at a sensible price."
Cllr Jim Crockatt said "I think we'd do well to invest in this regalia because in my two years (as Chairman) getting round to the various towns and villages in the county it was pretty obvious that what I was wearing was a fob.
"I think it is an investment for the future, it is like putting money in the bank, it is not money that is going to be frittered away. I think a chain like this will increase in value over years and think it will be a worthy investment of the Council."

However, not all councillors were in support of the proposal."

Adrian, the few comments above from electors show that we understand what recognition you deserve.

Gary, You are a young person; why are you living in the 1800s?

Jim, thanks for your service over many years and the numerous times that you have reminded the Wilmslow Town Councillors that they were elected to SERVE the electors. Unfortunately, with a couple of exceptions, they seem to have missed your point.

Christopher and Don; thank goodness for the likes of you.

One-party administrations simply do not work- Idi Amin, Muammar Gadaffi, Kim Il Sung, Benito Mussolini- what did they have in common? They all loved to dress up in ridiculous costumes, adorned with badges and ribbons.
Gwynneth Littleton
Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 9:32 pm
I cannot believe that this has been agreed to: It will make the recipients look as if they are characters in a farce.. And a well heeled one at that. It is all very sad.
Barry Stafford
Thursday 20th June 2013 at 8:23 am
Seems we are all in total disgust at this 18C fobbish behaviour of our town councillors???? Can you all complain to Mathew ,Town Clerk make your views fealt. His .
Kathleen Morris
Thursday 20th June 2013 at 10:23 am
Ckkr Bradley has his wish; the council is certainly getting recognised, as a magnificent money waster.

If the council has so much money sloshing around in its bank account how about taking less from the taxpayer next year?

Alternatively, how about using the money to give some employment to a local person in a job which would benefit the comunity as a whole?

But if Cllr Bradley and his mates really can't bear the thought of appearing in public without something round their necks, how about a competition for schools to produce something appropriate from recycled materials, with an upper cost limit of, say, £100?

I note that there is a vacancy for a councillor at the moment; an opportunity for someone with a better sense of public finance than the present lot?
Tim Mullock
Thursday 20th June 2013 at 11:25 am
Anachronistic. Time to join the 21st century. If you want to dress up, wear a Jester's hat, as it would be more appropriate attire when further decisions like this are made
Pete Taylor
Thursday 20th June 2013 at 4:02 pm
I took Barry's advice, e-mailed the town Clerk and received a reply:

Thank you for your comments regarding the recent decision by the Council to
purchase Civic Regalia.
These comments will be discussed at a meeting I have planned with the
Chairman of the Council next week and will be communicated to Town

I suggest that others do the same.
Mark Goldsmith
Monday 24th June 2013 at 4:11 pm
An investment?

So how exactly will this make us money? When do they plan to sell them and what is the 2nd hand market for Wilmslow memorabilia like?

They must take us for fools - they are just interested in self-aggrandisement and having more bling than their counterparts.

They have completely lost the plot.
Aidan Killoran
Monday 24th June 2013 at 11:26 pm
Do you think that they would pay £12,700 out of their own pocket ? I don't think so Again Tax payers money down the drain what's happened to all of us tightening our belts but I guess that's not affecting the council spending (still chocolate biscuits at there meetings I bet ) as its not there money but we will never stop it ,what next some jolly to the Caribbean in December .!
Elaine Napier
Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 9:50 am
Actually Aiden, there is something that can be done. Remember all this outrageous spending of your money and, next time, vote for someone different.

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. Perhaps voting is like that? I've been a lifelong Tory but I have to say that, were we to have an election today, I just wouldn't know how to vote. All the major parties seem untruthful, self-serving and dismissive of the taxpayers who elect them. Maybe it's time for some really top-class independents?
Mark Goldsmith
Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 11:32 am
Why don't they stand in Water Lane in Wilmslow on a Saturday with a tin and ask the public to donate to buying them a gold chain instead?

They would quickly see how important it is to the people of Wilmslow then.

So the town centers only public toilet due to close through "lack of funds", but never mind as our councilors are spending £12k to avoid the shame of wearing substandard bling.

How David Cameron manages without a chain of office is a real mystery though.
Aidan Killoran
Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 1:09 pm
I totally agree let them meet the public and ask them if its a good idea ? Do we still have any village stocks :)

Elaine I feel the same been a Tory all my life but they are all the same
just in it to bulge their bank accounts Blair seems to have done very well
worth £70 million I believe , not bad for a socialist :) so who do we vote
for :(
Barry Stafford
Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 4:00 pm
Well! This is to be discussed at the next Council meeting,next week.Great that's a nod and a wink then. Nobody as mentioned the cost... YES! cost of insurance and cost of security on the baubles.Not going to leave them around their necks 24/7 I checked through a Senior Local Govt. guy and this is expensive... Big safe, insurance forever whilst Wilmslow owns them. Whats wrong with using the current Unitary chains from the old Wilmslow???

Not flash enough against the other councils.. The Govt are trying to cut another £11billion with the financial crisis. Even £12700 should be saved..It all adds up along with the wastage at Cheshire East.. Councillors.please don't expect to increase the Precept next year.Live within your means as we all are doing.
Aidan Killoran
Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 5:39 pm
Your Right Insurance whilst not on the person is very expensive and yes it has to be kept in a safe so the cost's are mounting !!Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves,this would be a wise move for all Government Bodies but you know they just don't give a dam, our Tax's are for them to spend how They Like,on Policies they favour, expensive stupid project's which cost fortune just to make them look good ,jolly jaunts all round next I can see . Just had a leaflet about the New Relief Rd to Manchester Airport you can request it in so many Languages and CD's also if needed Full Team of Interpreters on a phone line for those in need,this must be costing a packet how much do the cost also for all this consolation and in the end the route is already decided its just a way of showing how government bodies really do care about what you have to say,believe that you will believe anything ,go to France you only get one language on any Council/Government letter , Theirs all in French !!!
Angelo Stevgetsi
Wednesday 26th June 2013 at 10:53 am
12K on a chain is ridiculous, and I voted for the town council - never again!
why don't they spend the money on what matters - WILMSLOW!
Lisa Reeves
Wednesday 10th July 2013 at 1:40 pm
We've been asked which four councillors voted against the decision to spend £12,700 on civic regalia.

According to the draft minutes of the June 17th Town Council meeting those who opposed the decision were councillors Trevor Jones (author of two articles defending this decision), Don Glover, Christopher Dodson and Ellie Brooks.