Have last orders been called at TheBoardroom?


TheBoardroom appears to have closed its doors, nearly two years after opening on Bank Square.

Vans were outside the bar and restaurant on Sunday morning loading up and we understand it has not been open since.

In July Quorum Estates Ltd submitted an application for the change of use of 4-6 Bank Square, stating that the existing tenant is due to vacate the premises in August.

The applications seeks permission for a change of use from a drinking establishment (Class A4) to business premises (Class B1). This would enable the building to be used for offices (other than financial and professional services), research and development purposes or for light industry.

The application seeks to keep their options open by requesting A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 use as well, which would enable new tenants to operate shops, financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, hot food takeaways or another drinking establishment from the premises.

The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 12/2959M. A decision is expected to be made by 11th October.

We have contacted Colin McKevitt, who opened TheBoardroom at the end of November 2010, but he has declined to comment.

Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Diane Jones
Tuesday 2nd October 2012 at 5:02 pm
What an absolute shame. I always enjoyed going in the boardroom and found the venue and staff very welcoming. This is the third venue to close in the last few months that I have heard of - Trevvis and Fellicinis being the others. How many more to follow? What are the council doing to support businessess in the area.
Laura Bradshaw
Thursday 4th October 2012 at 5:35 am
Well I can't say I am surprised if this news is true! A fine example of how not to run an establishment, the Artisan Market won the battle!
Wilmslow and surrounding area has more than enough thriving pubs/restaurants/bars who do not need to turn 'dirty' in a bid for custom.
John Clegg
Thursday 4th October 2012 at 7:18 pm
Well, Laura, had you been in?
It was well-run.
What doesn't help is when the so-called artisan market comes into town with their pre-purchased food - most likely not purchased in Wilmslow - and sells it to undercut all the cafes and bars who pay fixed rents and rates for their permanent premises and takes important revenue away.
Yes, artisan markets and their multi-coloured candles and other tat - 1
poor struggling bar-owner with a voice and a genuine complaint - nil
Matthew Foster
Friday 5th October 2012 at 8:23 am
"The Artisan market won the battle" - I assume you have some vested interest in seeing a market that operates 6 hours a month put a local business run by local residents (that serves the community the remainder of the month) out of business (as you see it)
Ellie Stringer
Friday 5th October 2012 at 8:27 am
I personally think people should know the facts before they leave unnecessary comments, maybe consider the people involved before referring to the Boardroom when trying to succeed as; 'dirty in a bid for custom.' These type of people are obviously the main reason Wilmslow does not have many thriving pubs/restaurants/bars. Regardless of this, the Boardroom was a lovely establishment and will be greatly missed by all.
Jonathan Hayes
Tuesday 16th October 2012 at 4:03 pm
Well I am sorry but as a local business man who has attempted to take clients to the Boardroom on several occasions to support the local community only to be met with miserable faces and a complete dis-interest in customer satisfaction or friendliness. I was told it was a good venue for breakfast meetings but on the day I went they were only prepared to do coffee due to someone not turning in to work. My father ran a business many years ago from the same premises and I was really curious to see inside as I had not been since I was a child. On three separate occasions I tried to have lunch and ended up leaving without even a drink due to the poor service. Lets hope someone with a bit more business sense takes it over now and makes it a success.
Carol Chadwick
Thursday 25th October 2012 at 7:39 pm
Those ghastly banners 'get a grip Wilmslow' and the outdoor seating area that was supposed to be taken in every night but never was. Perhaps those were among reasons why it wasn't well liked.