The Government is planning to abolish the current Council Tax Benefit scheme and has asked each council, across the country, to create its own local scheme to replace it from April 2013.
Each council is required to make a 10% saving in Council Tax Support which means that Cheshire East Council will be paying out over £20 million through its new local scheme.
Cheshire East are inviting local residents to have their say in the creation of the new scheme, as these changes may affect how much Council Tax you pay, the levels of service you receive or how much support you get.
All current working age Council Tax Benefit claimants will be affected by these changes and might see their benefit change.
It is important to note that rules for pensioners will not change under the new scheme, so their entitlement to benefit will not be affected.
However, depending on how the new scheme is designed, it is likely that most working age people who currently qualify for Council Tax Benefit will have to pay more than they do now. The outcome of this consultation will help to determine how much more people in different groups will have to pay.
From April 2013, residents will also be able to ask to spread your Council Tax payments over 12 months instead of 10 months.
You can have your say by filling in the Online Local Council Tax Support Survey, via email to [email protected] or by calling 0300 123 5013 and selecting option 3.
Council Tax Benefit is a means tested benefit that helps people on a low or no income to pay their Council Tax. It is administered by the Council, currently using rules set nationally by the government. No money is paid to the claimant. Instead, their Council Tax bill is reduced by the amount of their benefit.
The consultation runs until Sunday 21st October.