Council to purchase new notice boards


Wilmslow Town Council has decided to purchase some new community notice boards which will be installed around the town.

It was agreed that five notice boards would be bought at an approximate cost of £10,200, including the installation.

The five locations identified for the siting of the boards are Chapel Lane, the junction of Barlow Road and Cranford Road at Lacey Green, Summerfields, Alderley Road and the car park on South Drive.

The recommendation was for a double sided notice board to be located outside MultiYork on Alderley Road, so the new town map could be placed on one side with notices on the reverse side.

The other four notice boards would be single sided to incorporate a smaller version of the town map with space for local notices.

It is anticipated that the noticeboards will be managed by Wilmslow Town Council with support from members of the community.

Wilmslow Town Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Graham Beech
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 5:05 pm
Let's hope that, while they're in signage mode, our town council can also sweep away the A-boards that litter the town's streets and remove the notices attached to telegraph poles and lamp standards.

Not as though I hold out much hope - I put the same points to the secretary of the town council a couple of weeks ago and never even had a reply!
Mark Russell
Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 5:28 pm
£10,200 for 5 notice boards? Thats £2,040 per notice board, now i see that includes installation, but come on. Last time i went to WH Smith, they were not that expensive. Are we having a laugh here, cant the council find more worthy things to spend 10k on. Or find a more realistic price? I know we live in a well off area, but somebody has to ask the question here!
John Mills
Wednesday 22nd August 2012 at 8:38 am
£10k for notice boards, £7.5k for new road signs. What next. How about twinning with some exotic place so the councillors can all go on a jolly!!!! Use some commersila nouse and get them sponsored - stop throwing money away. Lots of wealthy businesses & people in the town - Ask them for sponsorship before wasting our money.