A planning application has been submitted to Cheshire East Council (CEC) to change the use of 12 Alderley Road to enable a potential tenant to open a patisserie with a coffee shop above.
The unit was previously occupied by estate agents Spencer Knight and the application is submitted on behalf of Orbit Investments, the owners of the property, for a change of use from A2 to A1 on the ground floor and A3 on the first floor - to create a retail unit with a coffee shop above, providing seating for 25-30 customers.
Prior to 1997 the property had been used as a shop, with storage above, then in 1997 permission was granted to change the use of the whole premises from a shop to an estate agents, which has been operating at this location since that time.
Orbit are currently seeking a new tenant for 12 Alderley Road and documentation to support the planning application states:
"There is significant interest from a proposed tenant who would wish to operate a patisserie on the ground floor and to provide a coffee lounge, with light snacks, all of which are sold from the ground floor shop. All the items would be provided from a manufacturing based elsewhere and the patisserie would sell coffee, cold salads, a selection of savouries and cold sandwiches."
At this stage there is no anticipated change to the external appearance of the building.
The planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 12/2716M.
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