Royal London apply for temporary car park


Plans have been submitted to Cheshire East Council to enable Royal London to use land at their Alderley Road site as a temporary car park for approximately 104 vehicles.

The area of land which is the subject of the application is an existing gravel laid car park because they were previously granted temporary planning permission in 2009.

The company's intention to bring back into use this car park for a period of 7 years until Royal London's targets for reducing the demand for car parking spaces is fully operational.

The site is surrounded by a mix of uses, with the Royal London offices immediately to the west, a car park and offices to the south and green fields to the east. It is also surrounded by trees and embankments to the south.

The site is located in the Green Belt though the principle of the impact of the car park upon the Green Belt being acceptable has been established by previous grants of planning permission for the car park.

Documentation submitted to support the application states "the current demand for car parking spaces on the site has resulted in car parking "spilling" over onto nearby residential streets. This over spilling of parking activities is disliked by local residents. We would note that the nearby streets are not the subject of parking regulation orders."

"The Royal London Group is a successful and vibrant business which adds to the economy of Wilmslow and indeed Cheshire East. The Company has recently acquired Royal Liver, and business consolidation has meant that more business is to be undertaken at the Alderley Road Business Campus, this will add to the pressure of the existing car park."

The planning application can be viewed of the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 12/2631M.

The last date to submit comments is 15th August and the decision is expected to be made by August 27th.

Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Stuart Kinsey
Tuesday 31st July 2012 at 4:28 pm
The Royal London Group application for a temporary car park on Green Belt land is not to be taken lightly! This will prove a true test of the intentions of our Councillors and others in defending the principle of maintaining Green Belt areas in Wilmslow. "No developments on green belt" is the basic principal for Residents of Wilmslow.
I have objected to the application and I hope many others will consider their position and do likewise. Here are a few points to consider:
- The area for which planning consent should have been returned to agricultural use (Green Belt) in May 2010. Royal London have disregarded this and the car park has continued in use for over 2 years in contravention of the previous consent. If this was a housing development CEC would demand it be removed!
- Residents in Fulshaw Park South (& roads from that private approach) should not be cowed into submission by the implication that if the car park is not allowed then their area will once again be plagued by illegal parking. There are other options which Royal London could and should take to provide adequte parking. The law is also on the side of the residents in that area.
- Seven years is too long a time for yet another temporary arrangement
- The area into which the offending car park protrudes is actively grazed and maintained in agricultural use. Where else is there within easy walking distance of the centre of Wilmslow which can boast this distiction?
- Finally, for now, it is not insignificant that Royal London Group (via Royal London Asset Management) has appointed a leading firm of planning consultants, How Planning, to advise on the future development of the land to rear of Royal London House as indicated as a possibility under the draft Wilmslow Vision Document (area F).

The opposition to the application for a Gypsy Caravan site on Moor Lane was terrific and effective. Come on Residents >> oppose this one too!
Marianne Martyn
Wednesday 1st August 2012 at 7:24 am
Hands off our green belt. It is the green belt that makes Wilmslow the place we want to live in! If plans go ahead, we will soon just be another part of greater Manchester.
Martin Wells
Wednesday 1st August 2012 at 4:19 pm
There are several issues with this application :
- It is in an area of Green Belt and should have been returned to this status. Royal London has disregarded it's obligations to the community. They are clearly capable of doing the same again.
- Royal London claim that they are perusing a 'green' agenda. Why does it take 7 years to implement this? 7 years is clearly too long for a temporary application
- the car park can be seen
- why have other options not been looked in to ?

The application should be rejected.
Chris Wigley
Thursday 2nd August 2012 at 9:39 am
It is hard to believe that Royal London need 104 extra spaces, they are betwixt Alderley and Wilmslow rail stations and have the 130 bus as well as the Knutsford/Altrincham services. If the company, formally The Refuge, had stayed in the centre of Manchester, then hardly any of it staff would be driving to work. We cannot allow the green belt to be sacrificed to parking and our town to congestion when there are perfectly good alternatives for commuters.

We have yet to see the impact of the Waters Corporation on the town when the Stanford Lodge site is developed.
Steve Savage
Thursday 2nd August 2012 at 11:25 am
I supsect that the Impact will be new jobs created and money spent in the town centre Chris...
Chris Wigley
Thursday 2nd August 2012 at 1:53 pm
That's interesting Steve, because I went to the planning meeting and Water's are relocating staff from Sale, Wythenshawe and Stockport. I think there is very little scope for new employment in the short term. Of the 400 existing staff some will already live in Wilmslow, I suspect that the others will do their best to avoid queuing to get through the town centre. If I lived in the Pownall Park area I would be concerned that Broad Walk and Hawthorne Lane will become a rat run as staff try to avoid the centre on their commute.

It will be interesting to see how Altrincham Road fares with the extra 800 car journeys per day.
Steve Savage
Thursday 2nd August 2012 at 2:03 pm
I seem to recall Ciba Geigy and Huntington Life Sciences occupying said land some years ago. Hasn't Pownall Park always been regarded a "rat run"? I would prefer to look at the positives.... after all we dearly need new employers in the area... have you checked out all the empty office space locally?