Council to consider gypsy site application Wednesday


Cheshire East Council is expected to decide this week whether a gypsy site can be built in Wilmslow.

The controversial planning application to build a gypsy site on green belt land off Moor Lane will be discussed by the Northern Planning Committee on Wednesday, 4th July.

This application, reference 12/1144M, has been referred to the Committee by the Head of Development due to the significant local interest in the proposal.

Submitted on behalf of Mr John Allen, the application seeks full planning permission to change the use of the land for the stationing of a mobile home, one proposed touring caravan and a utility/dayroom on a hard surfaced area within the 0.46 hectare site.

The Council has received over 600 letters objecting to the proposal on the grounds that it is inappropriate development in the Green Belt, there are no very special circumstances, permission could lead to further development, a day room is unnecessary given facilities in a mobile home, it would impact upon the nature conservation and the application is vague and incomplete.

Objectors have also raised concerns that the use of plurals within design and access statement is misleading, the single track would cause problems with highway safety, it would put pressure on local schools, cause noise and disturbance to quiet area, there is no provision for waste storage/collection or parking, it is out of character with the area and there is a risk of flooding.

Supporting information states that the family are of romany gypsy descent and were living on a Council run site in Frodsham for the last 3 years. However the applicant's eldest son suffers from glaucoma and it was necessary to move closer to Manchester Eye Hospital, as they have to attended regular appointments at the Hospital and sometimes require emergency specialist treatment. The statement also suggests that the proposed site will mean that the applicant will be closer to other family members that can provide necessary support and childcare.

Mr Allen states that he works as a decorator and the three children attend the local primary school. The proposed site, will allow the applicant and his family to achieve this settled base and therefore his children will be able to continue to attend school on a regular basis. This is particularly important for John Junior, as due to his condition he has to have specialist help at school. They also state that the family are registered with the local GP.

Some objectors feel these 'special circumstances' are vague, the personal information put forward is not evidence based and there are other traveller sites closer to Manchester Eye Hospital.

The report prepared for this week's Northern Planning Committee recommends the planning application for refusal because insufficient ecological information has been provided and it represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt and harm to openness.

The Northern Planning Committee meeting is open to members of the public. It will be held in the Capesthorne Room at Macclesfield Town Hall, starting at 2pm on Wednesday 4th July.

Cheshire East Council, Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Kenneth Williams
Tuesday 3rd July 2012 at 4:39 pm
This doesn't sound "special" to me, green belt is green belt. If there are already existing sites nearer Manchester there is no need to build on green belt further away from the hospital!
Elaine Napier
Wednesday 4th July 2012 at 3:49 pm
Lyme Green is green belt, isn't it? Perhaps the applicant will just follow the Council's own example and build with taxpayers' money and without the appropriate permissions. And this is, indeed, a long way from the Manchester Eye Hospital.