An open door at the Open Arms


The Open Arms community centre at Colshaw Farm is holding advice sessions for residents, thanks to funding from social landlord Riverside.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) will be at the Open Arms, in the heart of the Wilmslow estate, every Wednesday 10 until 1pm, to offer free advice on debt, welfare benefits and employment issues, among others.

Riverside has funded £5,000 towards the project to offer a service on the doorstep for its Colshaw Farm tenants.

Sharon Thomas is community initiatives officer for Riverside. She said: "We are encouraging people to use the Open Arms centre to make it a hub for the community. Many people in the area don't realise that the centre is there for them to use, whether they are part of a community group, or as individuals."

The centre will also be holding a Job Club to help people back into work or training alongside the one offered by Wilmslow Town Council.

Cllr Ruth McNulty attends both job clubs to help provide clients with advice on their job search.

She said "Wilmslow Job Club are keen to support the initiative at the Open Arms Centre in Colshaw and will be providing assistance from trained volunteers to help local residents in their job search.

"Both the Riverside and Wilmslow job clubs are pressing the local Job Centre to refer clients who would value practical help and advice. We believe we can help job seekers of all ages. The Open Arms centre offers an excellent resource including a small suite of computers and we are delighted to extend our support."

If you are interested in finding out more about the Open Arms community centre contact Sharon Thomas on 0845 111 0000. For further details about the second Job Club supported by Wilmslow Town Council, email Matthew Jackson, Clerk to Wilmslow Town Council, or call 01625 402907.

Photo: Photo: Samia Smith shares a cuppa with Sharon Thomas of Riverside at a recent community open day. 

Open Arms Centre, Wilmslow Job Club, Wilmslow Town Council