Out in force to oppose plans for Moor Lane gypsy site


Well over a hundred residents attended a meeting of the Wilmslow Town Council Planning Committee last night to voice their strong concerns regarding plans to build a gypsy caravan site in Wilmslow.

Green Planning Solutions have submitted an application, on behalf of Mr John Allan, to build a gypsy on Green Belt land to the north west of Moor Lane.

The submitted plans for the 0.46 hectare site, which show one proposed mobile home, one proposed touring caravan and a proposed utility/day room, were criticised for being unclear and many residents fear the intention is for many more caravans to occupy this site.

Denise Scragg, who attended last night's meeting said "The details of the planning application are very ambiguous and open to many interpretations. I think that more clarification and hard facts need to be supplied in order that those affected/ concerned about the application can make well informed comments."

Some residents stated that the narrow lane, which is already congested, is unsuitable for additional traffic and a couple raised concerns about the consultants who submitted the application. According to an article published in The Telegraph in 2009, Green Planning Solutions, headed up by a former Liberal Democratic planning spokesman, advises gypsies on how to contest efforts to evict them off illegal sites.

Wilmslow Town Council will be recommending the application for refusal on the grounds that "This represents inappropriate development within the Green Belt and that no special circumstances have been demonstrated.

"We also express severe concerns as to the potential traffic increase and access problems on an already inappropriate road.

"The Town Council would also ask that Cheshire East Council undertake a full range of environmental surveys including those impacting on local wildlife.

"The ambiguity of the application is also a matter of serious concern to Wilmslow Town Council."

Speaking at a separate meeting, about the Draft Wilmslow Vision, last night, Cllr Rod Menlove, Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental services, said "My view is no development in Green Belt, including the potential gypsy site."

The planning application, reference 12/1144M, can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website. At the time of writing nearly 50 objections to this planning application had been submitted to Cheshire East Council.

Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Stuart Redgard
Tuesday 24th April 2012 at 4:45 pm
I'd like to congratulate Councillor Christopher Dobson (Chair person of the meeting) on the way he handled last nights meeting. He showed great wisdom in extending the public contribution period from 10 minutes to 50 minutes and adjusting the order of the agenda to suit. I'd also like to congratulate the members of the public who were there to demonstrate their objection to this application.

Everybody has the write to make a planning application and everybody has the right to object. This is what democracy is all about. Lets not forget that.
Gary Barton
Tuesday 24th April 2012 at 5:44 pm
I would just like to give my thanks to all those who turned up for yesterday's meeting - it was an incredible turnout!

I would also like to encourage anybody who has any objections to make sure that they send their objections in to Cheshire East either directly via the planning section of the website http://bit.ly/reRqoU or via email () giving you name and address and the planning reference number (12/1144M).
Laura Bradshaw
Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 6:43 am
There were numerous residents who heard that the meeting had been cancelled due to lack of agenda time, therefore wernt at the meeting. I have since heard that there is a meeting in Mobberley on Thursday night as the plans fall into Mobberley patch. Can anyone confirm if this is true and whether there will be a follow up meeting in Wilmslow? Thanks
Dave wood
Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 10:59 am
Yes Laura , the meeting is at the Rajah Building , Mobberley Village 7:30 on Thursday 26th. This item is on the agenda.
Oliver Doyle
Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 11:13 am
the reason why us good folks live around here and pay very high rents, prices and council tax is because its a nice area. A safe place to bring up kids, good schools and beautiful country side if gypies are allowed to set up camp here i will personaly squot an empty house not pay rent and council tax and start my own gypsy camp. Im sick and tired of good folk getting bent over the last time that gypies parked up on the rugby fields in wilmslow there was a police car parked outside on the bend with a speed camera, trying to get more money out of hard working, high earning model citizens it made me that mad i actualy stopped at the police station to air my views. I class areas like this as the last remaining strongholds for decent people to live and wok in peace. I am all up for living and finding alternative housing solutions for people in the future, i am also very aware that we all have a set of tough problems in the near future including housing, food, fuel, work etc its about time councils started looking at the date and getting with the picture. Letting gypies camp up in wilmslow isn't a part of the picture.
Chris Coltrane
Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 2:14 pm
I feel that a gypsy caravan site in Wilmslow would be extremely beneficial to the community as a whole. I for one look forward to meeting these interesting people.
Jane Bradshaw
Wednesday 25th April 2012 at 5:49 pm
please find link below for location details for tomorrow night's meeting in Mobberley;

Jane Bradshaw
Thursday 26th April 2012 at 4:32 pm
Can anyone please confirm the meeting is due to be held tonight 26 April. I've heard the meeting took place in Mobberley on Tuesday of this week.
Lisa Reeves
Thursday 26th April 2012 at 4:58 pm
Hi Jane, I contacted the clerk at Mobberley Parish Council this morning and she confirmed that this planning application is on the list to be discussed at this evening's meeting which starts at 7.30pm.
Jane Bradshaw
Thursday 26th April 2012 at 5:08 pm
Thanks Lisa.I've just had a call from the council as well who confirmed the same. Thanks for your help.
Terry Sleigh
Thursday 26th April 2012 at 8:30 pm
Since the meeting on Monday night, a few of us have knocked on doors to ask people to support the opposition to the application. We have been astonished at the number who still seem oblivious of the application.
As was re-inforced at the Mobberley meeting tonight, we must lodge opposition with Cheshire East on the grounds of it being a Green Belt site and the potential damage to the environment.
The habitat of Lindow Moss is already under great pressure and the water voles and other endangered species may be present on the proposed site.