Residents object to new garage sign


Local residents are far from impressed by an illuminated sign which has been erected at the Shell Petrol station on Adlington Road without planning permission.

A retrospective application has been submitted to Cheshire East Council for the free standing sign which was installed at the beginning of June.

The planning application states that "The current display is located in the same position as that sign previously existing which has been replaced and in terms of height, scale, manner of illumination is similar to the original Totem Sign" and "the principle difference between the two signs is the display of the price change unit:"

"This sign is widely used on all Shell sites refurbished within the past 24 months and is considered appropriate for display purposes at this site in view of the rather obstructed sight lines of the display due to existing street furniture."

However, local residents in Dean Row feel the new sign is much larger than the one it replaced.

One resident, who wishes to remain annoymous told me "I think the size is out of proportion to both the site and neighbouring properties.

"It also has impact on the traffic and is potentially a distraction to people negotiating the roundabout. They had a sign there before which was far more appropriate and when this was put up it was a bit of a shock."

Councillor Jim Crockatt said "This illuminated sign at the Shell Garage in Dean Row is far too large and intrusive for a site in the Green Belt. Viewed from any direction it hides the distinctive properties of the village and the views of the surrounding countryside. It must be reduced to the original size."

Wilmslow Town Council have objected to the application "on the grounds that the sign is too large and should revert to the same size as the previous sign" whilst the Strategic Highways and Transportation Manager have assessed this application and have no objections.

The retrospective planning application can be viewed on the Cheshire East planning portal by searching for planning reference 11/2655M.

Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Jonathan Fox
Friday 19th August 2011 at 11:50 pm
A load of fuss about nothing. It is of a similar size and brightness to the old one. There is a pub next to the garage and nothing in front of or behind the petrol station. The properties on the roundabout have no clear line of sight to the petrol station as they are obscured by bushes, trees or street furniture and so this sounds like nimbyism! The only possible objection I could understand is from the pub next door. Anyone else objecting to this is just being a crank for cranks sake.