New Chief Inspector takes command

Zoe Bowden 2

A new Chief Inspector has taken command of Macclesfield Local Policing Unit (LPU), which also covers Wilmslow, Alderley Edge, Congleton, Knutsford and Poynton.

Zoe Bowden joined Cheshire Constabulary in 2012 and has spent her time in the force policing many different areas of Cheshire.

She started her career as a constable in the Warrington and Runcorn area, working alongside communities and partners.

Zoe became a Detective Constable in 2018 before her promotion to Detective Sergeant. She worked within a number of areas that supported some of the most vulnerable people living within our communities. During this time, she specialised in complex investigations surrounding sexual offences, developing youth engagement programmes, and supporting missing and exploited young people.

Over the last few years Zoe has been promoted to Inspector managing the Constabulary's resources and most recently to Chief Inspector heading up Cheshire's Forensic unit.

Speaking about becoming Chief Inspector for Macclesfield, Zoe said: "I am extremely proud to be Chief Inspector at Macclesfield and I am looking forward to working with a team of dedicated and committed officers.

"My role is critical to ensuring we understand and meet the needs and expectations of our communities, enhancing their confidence in the police even further.

"I understand the challenges of local policing and I'm looking forward to working with our partners to continue to make our area a safe place for all to live, work and visit and ensure the public have total confidence in the service that we provide.

"My teams will strive to support our most vulnerable communities, and also target those who are involved in criminality.

"I have a genuine passion for community policing and am looking forward to working together to make our community even safer."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Simon Worthington
Thursday 16th January 2025 at 5:30 am
Oh dear. Another one. No doubt a Common Purpose graduate!! And promoted beyond…….
Cllr Lata Anderson
Friday 24th January 2025 at 11:56 pm
Dear Mr Worthington,
Do you know Chief Inspector Zoe Bowden? If not, why make a not very nice comment about her abilities?
From her profile, the Chief Inspector must be very talented to go from Constable to Chief Inspector in 7 years. I congratulate her and welcome her to the role and look forward to working with her.
Cllr Lata Anderson

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