The state of local roads of most concern to Wilmslow residents


Wilmslow Town Council has recently published the results of their first annual Residents' Survey, which showed that the state of local roads was their biggest concern.

During September 2024, over 10,400 paper copies of the Residents' Survey were delivered to homes in Wilmslow.

Wilmslow Town Council said the Residents' survey was created to encourage Wilmslow residents to give their views and opinions of Wilmslow Town Council and its activities, in order to help Town Councillors to make decisions for the benefit of the community in the future.

A total of 667 surveys were completed by Wilmslow residents: 590 were completed online, 56 paper forms were returned and 21 paper forms returned via email.

When asked if they could change or improve one thing in our local area, what would it be, residents were clearly most concerned about local roads and potholes followed by parking and traffic.

Additionally, when asked what one thing they think the Town Council could be doing better they said roads along with improvements and maintenance of public spaces.

When asked which services and activities are important to them, public spaces and maintenance services came top followed by funding of Wilmslow's Citizens Advice service.

Wilmslow Town Mayor, Councillor Tim Higgins, said, "We are pleased to be able to share the results from our first Residents' Survey, and thank everybody who took the time to share their views with us.

"We are now in the process of setting next year's budget and the survey results are already helping to guide us in our priorities, such as on support / facilities for the youth which was viewed as very important by the majority of survey respondents.

"We hope that next year even more residents will complete the survey, so that our annual listening exercise is representative of all Wilmslow residents."

The full results can be viewed here.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

James Hanson
Thursday 19th December 2024 at 4:47 pm
I mentioned this in a post on Facebook yesterday, but this survey is totally flawed.

Having never received it for the past couple of years, I'm guessing a lot more people did not see it, given that only 2% of the total population filled it in.

The results are skewed towards the older demographic.

If we look at the numbers filled in vs the actual population of Wilmslow, 25,728 (based on the 2021 census) by age

• Under 18: 0.004%
• 18-24: 0.02%
• 25-34: 0.11%
• 35-44: 0.31%
• 45-54: 0.38%
• 55-64: 0.63%
• 67-74: 0.73%
• 75-84: 0.35%
• 85+: 0.05%

You can see the low percentage of representation of people under 55.

We see the same old complaints - potholes, "not the right kind of shops in Wilmslow."

The Irony of Question 7 - What one thing do you think the Town Council could be doing better - 40 people said, "Better publicity of what WTC does."

Come on, local councillors, make the effort to get the survey out to the whole population.

PS Well done for for being the main way we get our news in Wilmslow - Keep up the great work
Fraser Hill
Thursday 19th December 2024 at 8:15 pm
The contractors who resurfaced the bypass need to go back and do it properly! New surface is breaking up already and the loose gravel is ridiculous at 70mph.
Chris Neill
Friday 20th December 2024 at 8:25 am
It’s obvious that the infrastructure is crumbling, so the results received in the survey simply underline what a number of residents and more, experience every day. There is possibly a background to why , which I guess is overdevelopment of an area with roads built for horses and carts.
Question is …. will the infrastructure be fixed, or just abandoned for another year as more planning permission is granted to further overload the towns roads, walkways and parking problems.
Pete Wright
Friday 20th December 2024 at 1:07 pm
As Fraser noted, if you look at the terrible state of the roads it's often not the original road that's breaking up but later poorly completed "repairs" such as around underground pipes, manhole covers (Water, BT etc) and drains that're falling apart around the edges and leading to potholes forming.
The quality of workmanship is poor, but when it isn't done by road construction professionals what can you expect?
Donald Strathdee
Tuesday 24th December 2024 at 4:44 am
Fraser is dead right.
Many of the problems with the countries roads are the result of poor work by contractors.

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