Jubilee Gate gets a makeover


Last week, the Jubilee gate in the Carrs was reinstated following its repair and refurbishment.

Originally commissioned, designed and installed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 2012, the gate is situated on the exit of the Carrs car park leading to the park's public footpath.

It was commissioned by Wilmslow Town Council and incorporated designs and ideas put forward by four Wilmslow schoolchildren through a local competition. The three images on the gate are taken from drawings submitted by three competition winners, and the large 3-dimensional diamond was incorporated from another design.

Repair and refurbishment of the Jubilee gate included new hinges and paint to protect it from rusting.

Town Mayor, Councillor Tim Higgins, said, "It is great to see the Jubilee gate restored to its former glory, as both a piece of Wilmslow's history and well-used pedestrian entrance to our beautiful country park.

"Having been well-used for twelve years, repair of the heavy gate was vital to keep park-users safe. Its refurbishment also means that visitors can now enjoy the commemorative gate for years to come."

Photo: Town Mayor, Cllr Tim Higgins, with the refurbished Jubilee gate
