New Deputy Town Mayor for Wilmslow


At the Wilmslow Town Council meeting on Monday 16th September 2024, Councillor Toby Tritschler was elected the new Deputy Town Mayor.

Toby replaces Councillor Jon Kelly, who became Vice Chair of the Town Council in May 2023 then assumed the role of Deputy Town Mayor when the title was changed in February 2024 and was re-elected as Deputy Town Mayor in May 2024. Jon will remain a Town Councillor for Wilmslow East Ward.

The role of Deputy Town Mayor is unpaid and voluntary, as are the roles of Town Mayor and all Wilmslow Town Councillors.

Councillor Tim Higgins, who remains Town Mayor, said, "On behalf of Wilmslow Town Council, I would like to congratulate Toby Tritschler on his election as Deputy Town Mayor.

"Toby's energy, commitment, and understanding of the needs of our residents will be invaluable as we work together to continue improving life in Wilmslow. I look forward to collaborating with him on key initiatives.

"I would like to thank Councillor Jon Kelly, for his dedication and support during his time as Vice Chair of the Council and subsequently Deputy Town Mayor."

Photo (L-R): Wilmslow Town Mayor, Cllr Tim Higgins, with new Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr Toby Tritschler.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Stuart Redgard
Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 7:59 pm
Congraulations Toby and thanks to Jon. Good to see that Jon will remain as a councillor as he is hard working and fully committed to serving the community.
Jon Williams
Thursday 26th September 2024 at 9:16 am
And we need a Deputy Town Mayor for ?
Toby Tritschler
Thursday 26th September 2024 at 4:27 pm
Thanks Stuart and I share your thanks to Jon and look forwards to seeing you soon.

Jon Williams - good question! Undoubtedly if one person is asking then more will want to know.
Wilmslow Town Council has always had both a Chair and a Deputy Chair. These positions were rebranded as Mayor and Deputy Mayor earlier this year following a vote. There were opposing views on the council about the relevance of a Mayor in modern society, on the positive side the title could be considered to conjure up images of leadership, responsibility and the provision of gravitas to community events. On the negative side a perception of anachronistic nonsense. As it was, the democratic vote resulted in the change of title - possibly amusingly the current Mayor voted against the change in title!
But back to the purpose - the Mayor leads Wilmslow Town Council, presides over council meetings and represents Wilmslow at community events. Our Mayor has reported back to the Council how much interest there has been in his role at events and the gratitude that has been given for his attendance which has been considered as respecting the importance of the event.
As Deputy, my role will be to support the Mayor in the running of Wilmslow Town Council and to deputise for him on occasions when he is unavailable.
It's at this point that most people say - "Ahh yes, but how much does it cost us?" Wilmslow Town Council is made up of elected Councillors who undertake their duties voluntarily - the roles of Mayor and Deputy are similarly unpaid positions. The cost to the Council has been effectively to alter the titles on a cardboard name plate used at the Council meetings.

One of the key things that both our Mayor and myself are keen to do is encourage greater community engagement with the Town Council so I would invite all those who are interested to keep an eye on the Town Council website and notices, respond to the current survey and attend council meetings.