General Election 2024: Ryan Jude Labour Party candidate for Tatton


Electors will have the choice of five candidates when they take to the polls on Thursday, 4th July.

The deadline for the nomination of candidates for the General Election has now passed and the following five candidates have been confirmed as standing in the Tatton constituency:

  • Nigel Hennerley – Green Party
  • Ryan Jude – Labour Party
  • Esther McVey – Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Oliver George Speakman - Reform UK
  • Jonathan Smith – Liberal Democrats

I have contacted all five candidates and will be publishing articles for those who respond in the order in which they do so.

Ryan Jude has been selected to stand as the candidate for the Labour Party in next month's General Election.

Ryan's parents moved to the UK from India to work for the NHS. He grew up in Cheadle Hulme and Bramhall, which he says would make him the first ever MP in Tatton's history to have grown up round here.

He has been staying at his family home in Bramhall since he was selected as Labour's candidate, and if elected he will relocate from London to Tatton with his wife Sarah.

He commented "My love for the environment - now my career - was nurtured in Tatton's wonderful natural environment. I feel incredibly lucky to have grown up with it on my doorstep and feel fiercely protective of it. It inspired me to work in environmental policy, where I now lead a team at an environmental non-profit, advising government departments and working with councils and businesses on climate and nature policy. I never originally planned to go into politics, and studied maths at university before first working in finance in renewable energy and infrastructure, before starting my current job four years ago.

"Growing up, I was a young carer for my brother, and used to volunteer at local groups supporting children and adults with learning disabilities. Such groups provided a lifeline for members and their families, and I was proud to play my part to help. So I saw first-hand the impact of damaging Conservative policies on our local groups, families and communities. It made me determined to do something to help people.

"As an adult, I have fought to improve people's lives, serving as a local councillor on Westminster City Council, which we won for Labour for the first time in history. Winning meant we could make tangible improvements to people's lives, reopening youth clubs, funding free school meals for children in poverty and achieving fairer pay for care workers. As a Cabinet Member responsible for climate, ecology, culture and libraries, I led Westminster to be ranked the top single-tier council in the UK on climate action. But being a councillor also showed me the difficulties people are facing because of national policy not doing enough to support everyone in our country. As a board member of a local advocacy group round here, I still also support the families and people I used to help growing up, including my brother, and have seen the growing need for support here. As Tatton's MP, I can do more to improve all of their lives."

Why he has decided to stand as the Labour Party candidate for Tatton?

I decided to stand as Labour's candidate in Tatton because I believe that we deserve better, and because this is where I plan to start my own family. When I was growing up round here, things worked better. We had reliable and more frequent buses and trains, you could see a doctor if you needed one, and our rivers were safe for children to play in. I believe with my experience in my job and in public life, combined with my love for the local area, that I am best placed to fight to get things back on track for Tatton and the UK."

What are your promises/priorities for Tatton?

My top priority is tackling the cost of living crisis, growing our economy and supporting local residents and businesses. I will work to fix our broken public services, with longer-term funding for councils to avoid the closure of local provisions, and a return of more reliable, affordable transport by taking control of our buses and trains. An immediate focus will be cutting record-high NHS waiting lists in our local hospitals, and reducing the strain on primary care by reducing demand with our wider policies. This is alongside protecting our rivers and natural environment, and ensuring our streets are safe with more neighbourhood police.

I have spoken to thousands of residents over the least few months, and it is clear that the people of Tatton want change and deserve better, and I want to help fix things. My pledge to the people of Tatton is that I will be a hard-working, honest and full-time MP, using my track record of delivering change for people to ensure things improve. I will be moving into the constituency if I am elected, so I can continue to be a visible MP, out speaking to and supporting residents, as I have been over these last few months.

Articles featuring the other candidates standing in the General Election on July 4th will be published shortly and will all be tagged below 'General Election 2024'.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Christine McClory
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 8:40 am
To have someone with Ryan's enthusiasm, energy and dedication would be a blessing to Tatton after years of stagnation.
Catherine Judge
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 8:42 am
I've been to two of the Tatton hustings recently. Ryan Jude was well-prepared, passionate and has a vision for improving our constituency. He demonstrated particular knowledge of the Care sector and environmental issues which are essential for all our futures. Ryan Jude has my vote.
Rachel Darling
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 8:59 am
Really hoping you win Ryan Jude. You’re a breath of fresh air. Young, full of energy and enthusiasm. I’ve never seen a candidate work so hard.
Fran Kennerley
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 9:07 am
I really want a reason to vote Labour, but I know nothing they stand for, and Ryan is the same. The message of 'we're not the Tories', 'everyone wants change' and 'people deserve better' is nonsense.

His promises under his answer to "What are your promises/priorities for Tatton?" are 100% central spin and NOTHING to do with the Tatton constituency, nor do they give us anything that he (or Labour) will do. He is a locally born chap, but he is also a London councillor parachuted in by Labour, spouting central spin and groundless rhetoric will not demonstrate his local roots. Please, give me a reason to vote Labour.
David J Pearce
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 9:50 am
Disproves the suggestion that Ryan is an outsider parachuted into Tatton. He was in fact selected by the local party from a shortlist - a local chap who’s been working in London but is returning of his own volition to stand in Tatton. Contrasts favourably with Esther who had no connection with Tatton when she first stood in 2017 having lost her seat elsewhere in 2015.
Heidi Sumner
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 9:53 am
Having spent time with Ryan, talked to him and witnessed his real enthusiasm when chatting to people at all levels and all ages, he is such a refreshing change for us here in #Tatton. Although local,Bramhall/CheadleHulme he has spent a lot of time in #Tatton, he already has experience of working in Westminster and with local councils. He understands us & is already making things happen because of the way he approaches everyone. For the first time in decades I have real hope for us here. A local chap who is genuine and likes and understands the many levels of #Tatton.
Jon Williams
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 2:14 pm
What a shame he is with Labour !
Rachel Darling
Thursday 27th June 2024 at 3:54 pm
The election in Tatton seems to have become about where the candidates live which is odd when there are so many much more important issues at stake. As I understand it, Ryan Jude was selected by the LOCAL Labour Party and has promised he will move to Tatton if he becomes the MP. He currently works in London so it would have been a giant leap of faith for him to move here before he was elected. Esther McVey only moved to Tatton constituency in 2019, two years after she was first elected in 2017.
Simon Worthington
Saturday 29th June 2024 at 7:24 am
Bit more about the “environmental non profit” please. Funded by whom? Taxpayers? Rich lefty donors? Is it a lobby outfit or a charidee? Another snout in the trough!
Rivers safe when he was growing up!!! Not the case for many years but recent improvements.
Students and the “benefits class” queue here.
Vince Chadwick
Saturday 29th June 2024 at 11:48 am
It's great that he is with Labour. What we need is for the voters of Tatton to vote for Ryan instead of voting for the party that has presided over 14 years of decline, corruption, self-interest, and incompetence.

The NHS is no longer fit for purpose (it was before the Tories took power), our roads throughout Britain are now like a Somme battlefield after 14 years of Tory austerity cuts to road maintenance, the divide between the wealthy and the poor is wider than ever, more families are in poverty and food banks a necessity in today's Tory Britain, while the care sector is in chaos. The rail system is the worst it has ever been, even worse than in the darkest days of BR, and the Tories just don't give a damn ("I don't do railways" said Grant Shapps when he was Transport Secretary). The essential HS2 has been emasculated and terminated in an offhand and uninformed way that means it will cost most if not all of its budget but will deliver few if any of its visionary design benefits. Sunak threw it away in a vain attempt to garner votes.

Many billions of pounds have been wasted, much of it finding its way into the pockets of Tory supporting 'consultants' for no return. And the economic damage inflicted by the disastrous own-goal of Brexit ('delivered' by the Tories) is, according to new research, only going to get worse – with more than £300bn set to be wiped off the value of the UK’s economy by 2035, and for absolutely zero benefits. Labour can't reverse Brexit (that will take a long time) but they will work more closely with the EU, which is essential to repair some of the damage Brexit has wrought.

Will Labour be any better than the Tories have been? Quite possibly, but we won't know for a while. But it's difficult to see how they could be worse when you look at the state of Britain as it was when Labour left power, and its parlous state now.

The important thing is to get rid the Tories before they do any more damage. The Tory party I used to vote for is not the one we are suffering under now. Vote for change on Thursday!
Simon Worthington
Monday 1st July 2024 at 4:19 am
Good to see all the acolytes of the MSM out. Sure the torees have been a shambles with the coalition firstly having to deal with WC Blair and Brown’s mess. See Scotland and Wales for the future under Captain Chaos. Both health services a mess under the red flag, education poor, etc etc
Perhaps the Canadian chappie can carry some responsibility before he was replaced by someone even less competent!
This Ryan laddie is not the answer or anywhere near it, he is fully onboard the green train that will have it’s hand even deeper in your pockets unless of course AGW is one of one’s beliefs.
Robert Taylor
Thursday 4th July 2024 at 5:28 pm
Unfortunately Labour no better than Tories, prepare for Blair 2.0.
Simon Worthington
Saturday 6th July 2024 at 2:36 am
Bit more about the “environmental non profit” please. Funded by whom? Taxpayers? Rich lefty donors? Is it a lobby outfit or a charidee? Another snout in the trough!
Rivers safe when he was growing up!!! Not the case for many years but recent improvements.
Students and the “benefits class” queue here.