Fulshaw Cross refurbished and rededicated

Wilmslow Parish's Reverend Eddie Roberts led a service to rededicate Fulshaw Cross and preaching stone.

The service on Sunday, 19th May, was organised by Wilmslow Town Council in partnership with Wilmslow Parish.

In honour of the occasion, Wilmslow Town Council recently organised and funded the cleaning and refurbishment of Fulshaw Cross and surrounding fencing. The work was carried out by Ansa Environmental services, who have cleaned the stonework and repaired and repainted the surrounding fencing.

Additionally a plaque has been placed on the fencing of the cross, to mark the occasion of the rededication.

Preaching stones pre-date churches in lots of communities and were later replaced with stone crosses. They would often be located at junctions and toll bars to give the monk or priest or preacher a captive audience.

Jon Kelly, Deputy Mayor said, "Many thanks to Reverend Eddie Roberts for the beautiful and apt rededication of the cross and preaching stone. Thank you too for the members of St Bartholomew's, St Anne's and other Church communities for supporting the event, and to the Town Council Staff."

"I am very pleased the Town Council were able to organise this symbolic event. I hope it will lead to a programme of works to refurbish and recognise our important historic features. People say Wilmslow has no history, well this is completely untrue as I hope we will be able to reveal."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Marcia McGrail
Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at 3:40 pm
How wonderful to hear that Christianity is alive and thriving in Wilmslow: thank you to all concerned for this effort to re-dedicate a significant piece of what makes this little home of ours so special.
Pete Taylor
Tuesday 28th May 2024 at 6:37 pm
The base of the Fulshaw Cross may be original (although not in the current position) but the column and head are much more recent replacements. Does anyone know what happened to the original cross?