The inaugural Wilmslow Community Awards ceremony took place on Thursday 16th May, at Wilmslow United Reformed Church with the winners nominated by members of the public.
The new Community Awards programme were set up by the Town Council to showcase individuals, businesses and community groups living, working or volunteering in Wilmslow who have shown dedication and community spirit.
The Deputy Town Mayor, Councillor Jon Kelly, presented the following seven awards to give recognition and thanks for work in the Wilmslow community:
Outstanding Contribution to Youth Development:
Category Winner – Lynn Bond, 1st Wilmslow Guides Unit Leader.
Outstanding Contribution to Charity Work:
Category Winner – Wendy Hobson, Bare Necessities Toiletry Bank.
Outstanding Contribution to the Natural Environment:
Category Winner – Andrew Backhouse, Transition Wilmslow.
Community Organisation of the Year:
Category Winner – Wilmslow Junior Parkrun.
Outstanding Service to Community Groups:
Category Winner – Stuart Redgard, Wilmslow CleanTeam, Dean Row Village Hall and others.
Outstanding Contribution to a Local Neighbourhood Area:
Category Winner – Terry Burgess, Colshaw Estate Tenants and Residents Association (CETRA).
Mayor's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Wilmslow:
Category Winner – John Handley, Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Group, Lindow Moss Partnership and Transition Wilmslow.
Wilmslow Town Council received over 20 nominations for the awards, all of which were deserving of the highest recognition.
The Wilmslow Annual Town meeting took place on the same evening. Eighteen Wilmslow community groups attended to tell those present about what they do, their recent activities and plans for the months ahead.
PCSO James Morris and Lisa Russett from Wilmslow's Way Better also attended to provide information and updates to Wilmslow residents.
Councillor Jon Kelly, Deputy Town Mayor, who Chaired the meeting, said, "It was an honour to present the Community Awards and celebrate members of the community who go above and beyond to make Wilmslow a better place.
"We thank all seven award winners, as well as all those nominated, for their invaluable work within our town. We had over twenty people nominated and I hope these awards at the Town Meeting will now be an annual event.
"Our thanks also go to all those who spoke at the Annual Town Meeting to share their activities with Wilmslow residents. Several people afterwards said how inspirational they found the event and all the positivity!
"What was clear was not only the expertise of the contributors but the essential contribution they and their fellow volunteers make to the Wilmslow community which goes from strength to strength. The groups working in collaboration with the Town Council Staff and Councillors are making Wilmslow a great place to live in."
Photograph: the 2024 Community Award winners with Councillor Jon Kelly, Deputy Town Mayor. Back row, L-R: Lynn Bond, Wilmslow Junior Parkrun, Stuart Redgard, John Handley and Wendy Hobson and Cllr Jon Kelly. Front row, L-R: Terry Burgess and Andrew Backhouse. Photo credit: Frederic Houinato.
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.
I have been privileged to see the work undertaken by Andrew Backhouse and Stuart Redgard at close hand and thank them.
Also, what a brilliant idea by the Town Council to celebrate these people and reward them; at last, do we have a Town Council who are doing something for the people of Wilmslow?