Work starts on a new Cheshire East Local Plan

Cheshire East has started the ball rolling on its new Local Plan which will eventually set the blueprint for development in the borough into the 2040s.

A 12-week consultation is now underway on Cheshire East Council's 'Local Plan issues paper' and feedback is invited from residents, businesses and other organisations about how future planning policies can help to address a wide range of issues.

These include meeting the borough's future housing needs, tackling climate change, providing new jobs, restoring nature and supporting healthier lifestyles.

Views are also invited on a number of other draft reports that will help inform the content of the new Local Plan, including about the availability of land for future development.

The consultation can be found here: The deadline for responding is 5pm on Monday 1 July 2024.

Councillor Mick Warren, chair of Cheshire East Council's environment and communities committee, said: "A Local Plan sets out how new development should take place in the future and shows what sort of development is acceptable and where, for example homes, business growth and infrastructure.

"The current Cheshire East Local Plan runs to 2030 and last year, the council decided that a new one should be prepared to replace it.

"We're still waiting for the Government to release full details of the changes they are making to the way future local plans must be prepared, as part of its reforms to the planning system, and we are some way off publishing any draft policies and proposals for the borough.

"But the issues paper is the first important step in preparing our new local plan and provides an initial opportunity for local communities to tell us through the consultation how they feel it could help to tackle local priorities.

"The other documents we are consulting on, while more technical in nature, are still important to how our borough is shaped in future, and I'd encourage people to share their views on those too."

The new Local Plan will take several years to prepare and will be shaped by several rounds of public consultation.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Richard Mason
Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 6:05 pm
I think that this may be a consultation to get behind! It seems like an opportunity for us to actually engage with CEC and tell them what we think we need rather than just moan about what they give us. Although, there's no guarantee that they will actually listen.
Simon Worthington
Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 10:38 pm
Tackling climate change!! They can’t tackle a pothole!
Simon Worthington
Thursday 11th April 2024 at 3:37 am
These include meeting the borough's future housing needs, tackling climate change, providing new jobs, restoring nature and supporting healthier lifestyles.

It is not their job to tackle climate change, provide private sector jobs (we have far too many public sector as is) or support healthier lifestyles ( where is the Will’o’the wisp Matt).
Re climate change. Before any of the councillors who are adherents of the new religion impose more costly inconveniences on those who pay their salaries other than economies in energy use and cutting pollution can we impose the following on them
No motor vehicles of any kind.
Before involvement in any of this planning they confirm they have installed domestic heat pumps, do not have any type of second home, do not take any flights for any reason, do not consume imported veggie food, do not own pets, restrict internet usage etc etc. They can then claim to be leading by example!
Vince Chadwick
Thursday 11th April 2024 at 5:51 pm
"Tackling climate change!! They can’t tackle a pothole!" says Simon Worthington.

Well, Simon, they probably could if the Tories hadn't pulled most of the funding to local authorities for local road maintenance under 'Austerity' year-on-year since 2010.

But sadly, it's what people voted for.

If you voted for it, don't moan about potholes. If you didn't vote for it, you know who to blame.
Simon Worthington
Friday 12th April 2024 at 8:27 am
The “Torees” weren’t in sole power from 2010 and the rot started long before that with the scotch pair in charge!
Roger Bagguley
Friday 12th April 2024 at 12:15 pm
Residents of Wilmslow (RoW) was born out of the launch of the current Local Plan. 1500 houses for Wilmslow, all on the Green Belt. People were not aware of any process leading to this publication. The final figure for housing was set by the Government Inspector following a very expensive process that ignored brownfield sites and potential windfall developments. Notably, it was late, 2017 when the Plan period started in 2010. Via your elected councillors RoW has recently been asking questions about this next Local Plan. We do not believe it is too early. We are determined to challenge the process at every point along the route to ensure the shortfalls in practice last time round are not repeated. We must start now to protect our Green Belt from unnecessary development. It must not be the case that Heathfield Farm and Upcast Lane, current safeguarded sites, just automatically fall to development as happened to the land at Adlington Road because the Plan was years late.

At RoW we encourage everyone to engage in this public consultation and any that follow. Engage with us too at the Artisan Market or via our various contacts. Our Green Belt will be at risk again and we must be together to protect as much of it as is possible.