Work starts on £33.6millon A34 corridor scheme


Work has commenced on the £33.6million scheme aimed at improving connectivity along the A34 corridor in Handforth and Cheadle.

The government announced in November 2023 that the scheme had been given the go-ahead for the project to ease congestion between the A560 and the A555 and enhance walking and cycling accessibility.

Contractors have started work on the first two schemes today (Tuesday, April 2nd) near Gatley Road and Broadway.

A Stockport Council spokesperson said "These improvements are part of the wider scheme that will also deliver improved access to the Cheadle Royal Business Park, the Stanley Green business area, a designated walking and cycling route along the A34 and include a new pedestrian subway for pupils and staff at Kingsway School.

"The council will be minimising the amount of carbon used during the construction process as well trying to improve biodiversity by planting new trees and improving habitats along the route."

The Department for Transport has provided £33.64m towards the project, with Stockport Council contributing £0.56 million. The remaining £6.3 million will be provided by third party developers.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Robert Taylor
Wednesday 3rd April 2024 at 8:21 pm
The proposal described a little better on Stockport Council website as:-
The improvements are designed to support:

sustainable travel with a walk, wheel and cycle route along the corridor. This includes a segregated cycle track and controlled crossings with connections to the wider Greater Manchester Cycle Bee Network and local public rights of way

businesses with works to improve access to the Cheadle Royal Business Park and the Stanley Green business area by improving key junctions and providing better walking, wheeling and cycling access

new homes and development with improvements to junctions to provide access to and mitigate the impact of any proposed new housing development on the local road network

education with replacement of an existing subway beneath the A34 at Kingsway School to provide a better link for the split school site and allow for a key east-west cycle route

motorists with improved junction layouts to reduce congestion, improve safety and provide enhanced driver information on new variable message signs
Pete Wright
Wednesday 3rd April 2024 at 9:42 pm
It's hard to imagine a bigger waste of money, whatever changes are made to this stretch of road it's never going to used by many people for cycling, let alone walking, and the work will cause chaos for a long time.
I admit is a bottleneck for traffic though so hopefully something can be done about that aspect.
But at least "the council will be minimising the amount of carbon used" .... whatever that means
Vince Chadwick
Thursday 4th April 2024 at 1:24 pm
When I was working (and a lot younger than I now am) I used to regularly cycle from home in south Wilmslow to my office in Abney Hall, Cheadle, including this stretch of road.

And that was mostly before the Wilmslow bypass (that feeder road to the free car parks at Handforth Dean) had been built. So it was a lot quicker than driving!
Simon Worthington
Friday 5th April 2024 at 1:13 am
Can we have more information about how the element Carbon (atomic number 6 (I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! MY LIFE IS MY OWN) and essential to all forms of life on earth) will be reduced in this scheme?
Electric diggers, manual labourers, non oil based tarmac….
Toby Tritschler
Friday 5th April 2024 at 10:50 am
Cheers Simon, I now have an image of the A34 patrolled by giant white bouncing balls!
Pete Taylor
Sunday 7th April 2024 at 6:24 am
Until flyover bridges are built at Stanley Road and Gatley Road (the two current pinch points) the A34 will never be suitable for the amount of traffic which uses it. Neither of those things are going to happen.